New Heroes and Dual Wielding

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To Kiran's surprise, Azurita reacted negatively and resisted being sent back home once he explained to her every detail about why she was there and how he could easily return her. It was a very curious scene seeing the little girl avoiding Breidablik and showing real fear to something she couldn't identify as a fire weapon because she even didn't what that concept was... and also the fact it wasn't a real gun in the first place.

Alfonse, due to his advanced knowledge about heroes, in the end, recognized the girl as a young version of Azura, a hero from the world of Birthright, Conquest, or Revelations. Due to her name and light blue hair.

Considering this, the most logical option was to ask lady Corrin about the possible reason Azurita had to behave like that... especially, that extreme distrust of any new person she met. Kiran and Alfonse barely managed to accomplish that she didn't want to escape at the very moment she had them in her sight range but she was not "trapped" between their arms.

All this made more sense once Corrin explained Azura had told her that when Azura was young and lived in Nohr she suffered a lot of mistreating due to being Arete's daughter, the second wife king Garon had who was despised by much of Nohrian population. It was probably her mother had already died.

Learning all those things caused that Kiran's guilt feeling by summoning a little girl to disappear instantly. It would be stupid to return the poor Azurita to that hell... even if he wasn't very sure what effects this could cause in that timeline. On the other hand, knowing the existence of an evil king named Garon and having the Espada Maestra created a guilty desire in Kiran... to summon that bastard and stab him either on the head or on the stomach with his sword!

What? Garon was an evil king of black skin who attempted to conquer the neighboring country! the similarities to Ganon were there!

This also made clear that he didn't have a protocol to get rid of any bastard that he summoned accidentally... maybe he could use their corps to experiment once he killed them... he would have to get by his own advanced medical information... besides, who would care if he used villains for that purpose?

Azurita didn't trust Corrin when she saw her, just as expected. However, in the end, Corrin had the girl in her arms and trying to sing a lullaby for her, even if the dragon princess wasn't as good as the girl she was holding at singing.

After leaving the girl in good hands and with the confirmation that they could produce as many orbs as they wanted if they had enough amount of the necessary gems, Kiran and Alfonse created five new orbs. Three reds and two greens.

Between the new members of The Order Of Heroes the first one was a red-haired man that wore clothes that Kiran could claim were similar to Jack Sparrow's ones. He decided his loyalty to the order by... throwing a coin... by a bet... Kiran wasn't sure if that could be considered as a good way, but he anyway accepted the help of Joshua.

The second one was a sage, his white attire and blue cape allowed Alfonse to identify him as Artur. He along with Joshua and others had aided Ephraim to beat the Demong King. Since he had advanced knowledge about light sacred magic, Kiran asked him if it was possible to add that power to an arrow. Getting a perhaps as an answer, the fan of Zelda determined that once he mastered dual-wielding he had to start learning how to become an archer. If he already had the Espada Maestra... why not the Flechas De Luz (Light Arrows) too?

The third one was another woman. It was strange to meet Marth's wife in a moment of her life when she hadn't traveled around the world with her future husband and she still was a simple princess of... a tiny island?

The last one was another girl. A little older than the last one and Kiran was thankful for that. She had red armor and wielded a spear. Confused about being in a different reality but excited about having the opportunity to be trained by legendary heroes that would make her stronger to protect what she cared about. She decided to stay.

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