Heavy Sword And Heroes' Desires

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Kiran was aware since the very moment he showed his drawing to the blacksmith that he would have to train twice as much as he already used to train.

The man had warned him. The Master Sword due to its design, principally the beefy hilt, was heavier than his old silver sword. When he held it for the first time it was obvious that the speed of his slashes had decreased and raising it was difficult. But Kiran didn't care. He considered it a challenge and was determined to practice until the Master Sword felt as light as a feather. This reminded him about animes like Inyusha or Dragon Ball Z. In both animes, a character got a heavy sword and when they finally mastered it, they became stronger.

Of course, those swords were so heavy that their wielders needed to use both hands to actually be able to raise them in the first place. In his case, the problem only was present when he held the Master Sword with a single hand. It still would be difficult to master it but not too much. The first hand he chose to practice with was his left one, obviously.

And once it was useful regardless of the hand he needed to use... he would accomplish his dream... to have two Master Swords! The first one would be the one he already had with that blue design... and the second one with the retro style from a Link To The Past. A golden hilt and red handle.

At the very moment he returned from the smithy he started his practice and he didn't take even a single rest until the evening. The next day he woke up earlier than anybody else in the castle as usual and immediately he left his room to continue.

He supposed Anna would be mad at him, especially considering he didn't have breakfast this time... he had no idea of what she actually was going to do.

He thrust and slashed over and over and over. At the very moment, he did another thrust two hands grabbed him from behind and he felt a face resting on his back.

He struggled. Moving his face to see who dared to bother him... it was Anna.

Narrowing and growling he asked, "What's gotten into you now?"

Anna's voice tone sounded very dreamy "You really are a miracle from the sky!" Kiran growled again and grimaced as he felt some lips on his cheek.

"Care to explain something?!" he demanded.

It was like Anna wanted to make sure her voice sounded the cutest way as it was possible. "Your ideas are making me the happiest woman on Earth... or as you would say, of the multiverse!... I love you Kiran!" Then she kissed him like that more times. Kiran couldn't say he liked it.

"I'm flattered," responded him sarcastically and yelling. Accidentally dropping his sword.

Kiran didn't get away from her claws until Kagero decided she should help him.

Roy got comfortable in the Askarian Castle very quickly. He was grateful they had taken care of his horse when he lost it the first time he fought the order of heroes... especially because it used to belong to Eliwood. He started to miss his own Lilina. But she had basically advised he shouldn't return until he had got over his current depression, which he only could accomplish by making justice for his father... maybe that was partially the reason to explain how she had finally come to accept Hector's death.

Training with Ephraim had proved he still couldn't say he was on the top of power. There were stronger heroes that could cause him a headache at fighting... more when he discovered a girl called Lucina had beaten Ephraim up very easily.

He rode his horse around the town for a while to distract himself. Interesting to him was the fact due to magic he could understand these people and how they understood him. He noticed a few persons rode one of those things Kiran described as a cycle. Apparently, they were becoming very popular.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now