Training And Watching The Sky

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Kiran was certainly surprised about how inefficient he had been the whole time at extracting quintessence. Granted, he only knew about its presence in the blood and the time he had to obtain it was limited until somebody apart from Kagero approached to ask him what in the hell was he doing.

At least he now could do it in the dark with the advantage of learning regarding this second "human" species.

He now had at least five containers completely filled and ready to be utilized.

"Just remember that we cannot tell anybody concerning these... projects" Kiran scratched his hair while looking at the quintessence worried.

Raigh raised his eyebrow, turned to see him. "Tell anybody about what or what?"

Kiran gave a thumbs-up and smirked. To this, Raigh did the same.

"However," Raigh crossed his arms. "Soon or later we must use this for something." Kiran didn't fail to notice the looking his nephew gave him and the implications of it didn't escape of his mind.

But he had to analyze one specific detail first.

"Well... there's something" holding a needle which he used to extract a tiny but considerable amount of his own blood. Kiran's body reaction to this compound was about to be tested. "Given the fact we've seen my alien condition does not make me much different to the humans you are used to, even from the parts of inside, I... I want you to add some quintessence to this. It's better to take precautions first."

Raigh nodded as he placed the same on the table. "Honestly, I doubt there would be any problem."

"It might be true... but remember that, for example, if you inject a type of blood that is not compatible with the person you are injecting to... its immune system is not gonna react well against this and that, as far as I know, can somehow kill the person... even worse if you do that with animal blood."

"True... you said that." Raigh shrugged, watching the many samples they had extracted in order to discover the possible combinations of blood types of the local humans. Who knew if there were more than the classics A, B, AB, and O and their respective negative variants.

Kiran, as O- type, had more possibilities of dying with a process like this. Of course, the compound wasn't exactly blood... but it was better to do not take any risk. "Good use of common sense I suppose."

"I must go to train so I leave you in charge... oh! right!" Kiran took a few steps until he opened a drawer. "I told your mother I wanted it to analyze it... and it's in part true, but it would be good if you use this against our enemies... in cases of extreme emergency given its nature of course."

Raigh approached. When his eyes were able to see what was inside... he smiled as if he was a demon. He extended his hand and took it.

"If she asks you how you got it back..."

"I found it while working with you."

Kiran snapped. "Do not allow her to take it away again."

"Never in my fucking life." Raigh snapped too.

Thanks to all his training with the Espada Maestra Azul (Blue Master Sword), Kiran's left hand was the perfect one for the Espada Maestra Dorada as this one not only was lighter because of a more classical guard... but also because the blade was shorter.

It was better like that. After using that silver sword Kiran realized that wielding two swords of the same length led to situations where both swords got into the way of the other one, colliding and stopping the attacks. While the Azul one was a bastard sword with the weight of a longsword... the Dorada one was, indeed, a classic single-handed sword. Now it was time to practice with the right hand, and he had done for days.

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