World Of Awakening Final Part

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Robin couldn't sleep... and how she would be able to?

Reports indicated the Order Of Heroes finally arrived on the outskirts of Ylisstol. This was her last chance to win and prevent Veronica from killing the younger selves of the second generation shepherds.

She didn't have a child of her own however she remembered very well the pain of a parent displayed when they lost a child... and usually, it was her fault, too.

Strangely, even though Kiran could order an assault already, he... didn't. It didn't make much sense considering they arrived when it was still noon... until she remembered the Emblians used to have a different sleeping clock the first time they conquested Ylisse.

He was planning a night assault... even if that night the moon wouldn't be there to offer its light... however, it also could be convenient.

That gave Kiran three different paths to enter the town without facing much resistance, once the enemy is inside the perimeter it becomes a lot harder to expel it and she didn't have enough soldiers to protect perfectly the three entrances. At least one of the sides would have fewer soldiers to deal with an army that had powerful heroes from other periods of the story... and Lucina, the strongest sword wielder she knew besides Chrom.

Kiran could take advantage of this to do a surprise attack... and he didn't lack methods to accomplish that.

He could try to deceive her by sending a few soldiers with many torches, making it look they were many, then, when all were paying attention to one entrance, he and the principal part of his army would be at the opposite side. Then the ones who were a bait would only need to escape... or perhaps... he could pretend they were a few by just giving torches to some soldiers, then attack another side with fewer soldiers but more torches... and once she was confused... the first attacked side would discover they weren't very alone.

Ordering the Emblians to sleep could not work very well, allowing Kiran to create a surprise attack more easily, and trying to leave Ylisstol to face the Order Of Heroes once for all might be a trap, too.

Somehow, this was like playing scissors, paper. and rock... and she needed to choose what to use.

The problem was that apparently, her opponent had the ability to predict the future or somehow read her mind... how? how he could?

The Emblian spies only said a pegasus knight had flown very up the last time... that didn't explain anything, the altitude and distance were too much to allow a pegasus knight to see the battlefield from the sky... even with a spyglass!

He was a depredator patiently waiting outside the cave... and she was his prey.

After thinking about it, she decided she would give her orders at the last minute... with that, even if he could read her mind... it would be late... right?

Again, there was a headache... Robin left the war room, placing a hand on her head. She walked for a while until she reached a good place where to sit and admire the sunset, the altitude of the castle allowed to admire it very well.

She was preparing herself... she still a good opportunity with her Levin sword... unless Kiran already had discovered a way to counter that... she growled in frustration, not noticing one of her friends walking towards her.

"It's a bad time, uh?" the voice of that person was friendly... but with some sadness, too.

Robin turned to see the ex-queen of Ylisse, Sumia.

"I've failed you two times already... I cannot fail a third."

"You know perfectly the first one wasn't your fault and that second one is not true, nobody could have predicted this." she gently placed her hand on Robin's shoulder.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now