World of Binding Final Part

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Roy looked at the horizon, a little angry feeling returned to his mind as he remembered why now he wore these clothes... He wasn't sure if that feeling was a good thing, actually, almost all of his friends would say it is wrong... But he just couldn't forgive Veronica after what she did.

Even though he had to grow up without a mother, it didn't change the fact he began to understand better what Lilina felt when he told her Hector had died. But unlike her, he felt rage too.

Maybe it was the fact Lilina had enjoyed the love of her both parents, mother, and father. He had a lot of good memories about his father, but then that princess appeared from nowhere with that big army, with soldiers who had their own legendary weapons and, after many events, she had sent Eliwood to the other life as an example of what would happen to him and his friends if they decided to do not follow her orders...

He turned to see the Emblians, the faster he could leave this army the better.

Kiran had seen volcanos in videogames and photos before, but watching one of them in person was a lot more interesting, the geologist side of his curiosity increased. The existence of that structure there meant either that place was in the limits of two tectonic plates or maybe a hotspot of the Earth's surface. Fortunately, there was a way to discover it. While normally the order of heroes didn't make contact with local villages, he had requested Lilina and Florina to go to a little town to ask if there was any registration of earthquakes in the past and, why not? information about the Emblian army.

Once they returned Kiran practically ran to them, he was excited. "So?"

"Um..." Florina seemed to be nervous, but strangely, when their eyes made contact, she was more relaxed. "One of the oldest persons said he and his generation had the horrible experience of being there when the ground began to shake."

Lilina nodded "But he said it wasn't too powerful."

"Cool!..." Kiran had closed his fists in a corporal expression of awesomeness... before he realized something. "Um... I guess it didn't sound very well... anyway, and what about the Emblians?"

Lilina shrugged "Nothing very different to what we already know, they enslave heroes... or villains if they can, and basically rob the sources, even if it is by stealing them to the local people." Lilina seemed actually very pissed about this last detail.

"I see... well, thanks for that. Now we just need to wait for the report about the enemy, and then we can start our assault, they're waiting for us after all." he yawned as he looked at his word.

Kiran noticed Florina continued watching him, she showed... a kinda confused expression? he wasn't sure how to describe it, but just when he was about to ask her something, Lilina was the one who made a question. "May I know why you wanted information about earthquakes?" She was smiling, probably just like Sharena, she already was very curious about everything he had inside his brain.

"You see, normally volcanos and earthquakes appear together. By that I mean they usually have a common origin, something we have named the tectonic plates... you see, just like people, the earth itself changes through time, but it takes millions of years to notice the difference... like manaketes when they age, but even slower... mmmh... wait for me a moment, please." Kiran turned around and ran towards the cart he used to transport his objects.

Florina continued seeing towards where Kiran was, she was... impressed about how physically similar that person was to Mark... Kiran could have been a reflection in the mirror of the mage tactician that a long time ago led the army she was part of to the victory, one of her friends and the man her friend Lyn was in love with even if she didn't want to admit it.

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