Lockets and Bed Time Story

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Shanna left the scissors on the table while she used a hand-mirror to allow the chief to be able to see the part of his head that the frontal mirror didn't display. A lot of hair that a few hours ago was adhered to Kiran's head now lied on the ground.

The tactician-scientist rubbed his chin as he analyzed. "Just make it a little more curve."

"Yup!" Shanna gladly continued her job. Cutting and cutting once more, Shanna reduced Kiran's hair to a tiny, barely existent, membrane.

"Ay wey! que a gusto... (Hell yeah! how pleasant it is!)" Kiran sighed in relief. "Thanks... I don't comprehend how you women can tolerate long hair... it's the most uncomfortable condition of the existence..." he grimaced.

Shanna giggled as she swept. "You're asking the wrong person if you want to know the answer. I mean, my homeland is very cold. Having my hair as this helps. Yet, whichever is the reason why others decide to have their hairs longer... well, I'm afraid I don't know!"

"True." Kiran closed his eyes, shrugged, and placed money on the table. "Anyway. Thanks a lot. The best part is that as far as I know, soldiers in my world must have their hair like this."

"Enjoy it!"

He left the room feeling remarkably good!

Taking a bath multiplied his good humor by ten.

Noticing something on the table he had bought days ago after a certain person told him a special date was coming, he placed the box in his pockets and ran fastly and furiously through the corridors.


Even though she was surprised because of Kiran's new haircut, she didn't comment on anything regarding it.

"Have you seen Nino?"

Amelia rubbed her hair, attempting to remember whether she had seen the mage or not that day. "I believe I saw Lugh and her entering the library."

"I see." He nodded. "By the way, how are you? is your training with Ephraim paying off?"

"His highness has taught me to attack more efficiently." A tiny but visible smile appeared on her face. "He even helped me to deal better with the weight of my armor." she raised her head to meet Kiran's eyes. "For the first time... I think I'm truly a soldier!"

"Have luck then." Kiran patted and caressed her hair. "Well, if you excuse me." He then left as quickly as he had arrived.

As he approached the library, he decreased the speed... good thing considering he was about to crash with the door.

Inside, he saw Robin walking through the history section. Alfonse was sitting on the left side with a book that apparently was about ancient Askarian. It took Kiran at least a minute to finally found the person he was looking for.

He decided to sneak, kneeling and approaching slowly.

The next thing Nino saw was... darkness.

"Who am I?"

The girl had a smile that could warm even the coldest heart. "Kiran, mi hermano (my brother)."

As he sat by her side, he asked. "I thought one of your little boys was making you some company."

"He had to go to the bathroom... whatever is forcing him to do not return quickly is something I don't know." She scratched her cheek.

"I see... so, how is it going? reading better already?"

"There are a lot of words I don't understand yet..." she took a look back at the book, returning to some previous pages. "But I see many of them already translated."

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