World Of Awakening Part 1

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Kiran, Evelyn, and Anna looked at the portal... the strange fact in the side of Zenith the sun shone with all its power and in the side of Awakening the night was present was both interesting and inconvenient.

Anna scratched her hair. "Well, we shouldn't enter now... we can wait until... tomorrow?"

Kiran turned to see her. "If I remember well, you said the Order Of Heroes tried to free this world before."

"We didn't success though... then Embla captured the area again."

The second Askarian tactician spoke proudly "But that's no more." then she became more serious. "However, we must ensure you won't fail again... so why did you lose the last time?"

Alfonse, who at the beginning was reluctant about getting near to the gate, heard what they were saying. He approached and commented. "Because the heroes here don't go easy on us..." then he sighed in frustration...

Evelyn's eyes went wide. "But, why?"

Anna sighed too. "Alfonse has a theory."

The prince continued watching the portal with that soulless face until he decided to talk. "When we explored this world... all the heroes were of the first generation of shepherds... and while the second generation not necessarily traveled back in time to stop Grima in this timeline... it is still possible Veronica is holding their babies as hostages in order to make them obey her... after all, if your slaves aren't cooperating even if you are a threatening their lives... why not threatening something they care more about than life in itself?"

Kiran narrowed. "So by freeing this world we're sending some babies or teenagers to the "other life"... but if we don't do it we'll also have to deal with the heroes from this world attacking Askr... and that's without considering the world of Conquest..."

"Pretty much..." Alfonse rubbed his face.

Kiran growled."Okay... I'm afraid that saving the multiverse is more important than a few persons... so just remember me to throw Veronica into a prison cell filled with at least five of your average criminals once all this is over."

All the present persons looked at him with disapproval... well, the exception was Alfonse who continued watching the portal. "Oh... do you prefer me to bury her alive? maybe we could write on her grave rip rip hooray!" he laughed. "Damn, that's really a good idea, I must write it down."

"...What the hell is wrong with you?" asked Anna.

"Um... nothing?" Kiran raised his eyebrow in confusion.

Evelyn raised his index finger at the same time her eyes denoted discomfort. "Veronica is still a little girl... that's disgusting."

"So? she's a girl that enslaves, kidnaps, and uses people as mere chess pieces..." Kiran shook his head. "Why should I care? anyway..." Kiran shrugged and then looked up to the sky in order to focus on thinking. "We should prepare to defend ourselves, it is obvious Embla will try to recover the portal and who knows if the heroes themselves are almost on the other side... if we think about it, perhaps we're stuck in the middle of two armies... I mean, Veronica didn't try that strategy the previous times but I doubt she's stupid enough to make the same mistakes over and over." operating under that assumption would only get the Order killed.

Evelyn, still uncomfortable about what Kiran said, spoke. "Well, if they attack from the portal we basically have them surrounded, archers and mages and they won't have any other option rather retreat... however, normally I would prepare a surprise assault in case the heroes try to enter our world, you know, to free them... but... the land does not help us... there's not any place where to hide ourselves around the gate."

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