The Light And Darkness Of The Mind

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They were certainly both enjoying the situation.

Although they both seemed to have no plans to stop, sooner or later that had to happen.

Once their lips broke apart after what may have been their tenth consecutive kiss, they both stared at each other.

"It's your first time making out with a woman, I guess."

Kiran Mark blinked three times. "Uh... well, there's nothing to be gained by denying it."

She smiled. "It was obvious, the lack of experience showed."

"I must assume you do have practice then." There was no annoyance in his voice tone, it was simply a "question."

"I had a friend named Silas..." her tone was more somber in comparison. "He and I... well, we had a great friendship and there was a day when I wanted to try to go further with him... unfortunately Garon didn't find that to be of his liking... and... I was told that he had been exiled, but I never saw him again, even during and after the war..."

She didn't have to say much more, the sepulchral silence let Kiran Mark know what had happened.

As a king of the ancient type who had power gone to his head and an intelligence level that he could humiliate in a matter of seconds, it was only logical to deduce that Garon had ordered him to be executed.

"More reasons why you killed Garon once and for all?" Kiran Mark held her cheek, making them look directly into each other's eyes again.

"After I found out what he was capable of, I realized he was just a monster in humanoid form."

Well, that's something that perhaps people would say about him.

But it was better not to piss her off any further.


She decided to change the subject. "You really like stroking hair, huh?" she asked, noting that whenever he had an opportunity to do so he didn't even hesitate and certainly hadn't stopped at any point on this occasion.

He caressed with more eagerness. "I don't know why I do it, maybe I have a fetish." He tried to grin, in a mixture of happiness and his current confusion.

"That would make sense." She assented. "You said your father was able to romance a noblewoman while he was just a farmer's son? Well, congratulations! you just won the heart of a princess!" She certainly wanted to give him some self-confidence, the levels of depression he seemed to have were certainly abnormal.

Kiran Mark looked slightly to the left. She had apparently forgotten to mention that she wasn't just a princess, she was a dragon war princess with elf ears.

And from another universe/dimension.

And he was her Mexican boyfriend.

At what point did his life began to become so similar to Star Against the Forces of Evil?

He had to swallow saliva and blink hard. "A-anything that makes me more like my father, or even allows me to surpass him makes me feel like I've managed to do something good with my life but..."

She perhaps would have folded her arms if she wasn't enjoying hugging him so much. "But what?" she still raised an eyebrow accusingly.

It was clear she was losing patience with his pathetic whining.

"It's just... this seems too good to be true..."

He looked extremely worried...

Almost as if he was afraid.

May The Future Be Bright: Kiran's Story (ABANDONED, MAYBE FOREVER)Where stories live. Discover now