Tacticians Do Not Sleep Much

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Kiran sighed as he was turning the pages, there were too many books to read and almost no time to waste.

And now he was reading what, according to Alfonse, was the most basic manual for anyone who wanted to learn how to be a general.

The Art Of The War was its title.

According to the book, there were five factors that could determine the result of a war.

The method: it means to induce the people to have the same objective that the leader, making sure that the people will follow their leader without feeling afraid to die.

The weather: It's necessary to consider the seasons of the year to take advantage of them and avoid the disadvantages of having soldiers dying of freezing or things like that.

The land: Some places are better for traveling and others aren't. Fields are better places to fight... but more exposed to ambushes, if the general knows the advantages of the land, it will help him to decide if it is a better option to use cavalry or infantry.

Leadership: this was divided into other subtypes.

Wisdom: The ability to plan tactics and change them if it's necessary efficiently.

Humanity: Love and compassion for the people, and be aware of their desires.

Courage: Do not hesitate to take the opportunities that ensure a victory.

Then the remaining factors.

Firmness: It's the severity with which to keep the discipline of the troops.

The general that dominates all these factors, wins, and the others are defeated.

Therefore, in plotting the plans for military actions, check each of these factors with the utmost care.

The art of the war is the art of deceiving.

When you are strong, you must look weak.

When you are near to the enemy, you must make them believe that you are too far.

When the troops are moving, you must make it look as if you are inactive.

By doing this, you will get the victory by confusing them.

Considering all that, Kiran was sure that his victory was pure luck... sighing again, he continued reading. Minutes eventually became hours but he wasn't aware of that at all, his attention all focused on the book as he kept studying.

At least six hours had passed.

Kiran was gradually falling asleep, but he refused to let his body beat his mind.

It wasn't the first time that he stayed awake all night, so he had an idea of how to deal with this problem.

He was used to studying for several hours for his exams, but now he was going to be the tactician of a real army ,and therefore he was even less willing to be lazy. Lives wouldn't be at risk due to incompetence under his watch... plus the simple fact that failing at this task would probably cost him his head... although whether that would be a bad or good idea it was something he wasn't really sure of.


Kiran didn't react, he wasn't used to hearing that name as his own yet.


Of course, when somebody yells at you then it becomes pretty much impossible to be unaware of somebody else's presence in the room.

"Ah?" his gaze finally moved away from the book.

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