Getting To Know Better The Soldiers Part 1

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Even when the next day arrived, Kiran was still awake.

Fortunately, he finished the first book, he felt a little more relaxed since now he had an improved knowledge about the war. He walked towards the dining room, while he did that, he felt weird walking in a building like this. He was used to living in poverty, maybe not too much poverty but it can't be compared to being living in a castle... besides, he felt too fortunate, fortunate because he arrived at a world where the government wasn't corrupt. Even though he was against the monarchy due to the concept that just because you were born in the "royal" family you automatically had privileges and you could become the leader of the nation was a lot of bullshit as the story of his world had demonstrated multiple times... at least Alfonse and Sharena weren't evil people... or at least it seemed to be the case... to say he trusted them right now would be something stupid.

The only thing that he actually missed was the technology of his world...

This world still was in the medieval age... who knew if these people understood even the basics of modern science... Kiran had invested a lot of his time in life in trying to understand how reality does work. He was just a miserable amateur, that was something he could not deny, but his knowledge would be certainly more advanced than anything these people could ever have...

Maybe he could make something to improve the future of this world and transform it into the paradise that he always wanted, or at the very least something as similar to it as possible.

It was only going to get accomplished until he was even less than worm food, but that was not an important factor in his opinion.

This made him reflect on something.

In some stories, aliens refused to share their technology with "less developed species" due to history remembering the example of when the Europa discovered America... but... at exactly what point is a species officially "mature" enough to let them in on the secrets of the universe? Does non-interference mean you're morally obliged to let a species or members of a species suffer or die because it is their "natural development"? And what will happen when the "protectees" do develop advanced technology and discover that alien races have been watching them for generations? and what about a situation when you find an alien race that is eager to gain tech and knowledge from humans? can you get away with telling the aliens "you are not ready? where does the rule stop being about "preserving alien cultures" and start being about "keeping the humans as the dominant power"?

All that just seemed a lot of hypocrisy in is eyes...

They needed him...

There was probably an infinite number of people better for the job than a piece of crap like him... but he was what they had gotten... and now they were his responsibility.

When he arrived at the dining room for the Order Of Heroes, he saw Anna, Alfonse, Sharena, and the other heroes eating, he sat near Anna.

During breakfast, as the previous day, he was scared about what he was eating. But it was even more evident... he wasn't scared because the food was ugly or tasted bad... even considering this food wasn't the food that he used to eat in his country, it actually was very good... the problem... the problem was some tiny beings that could exist on his food.

Anna noticed his worried face.

"Something bothers you, Kiran?" she asked.

"Yeah... my immune system isn't adapted to the bacteria of this world..." he grimaced.

After he said that, everyone stopped eating and started to look at him, ignorants of what he said.


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