World of Binding Part 2.5

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"Is... is it really you... mom?" Lugh asked, still having trouble believing what he was seeing. But he felt the needing to hug Nino back anyway.

"That's right my boy." responded the green girl hugging him and his brother tighter. "Mommy is here."

Raigh, on the other hand, tried his best to get away from that damn girl who dared to call herself his mother.

"What kind of stupid and ridiculous bullcrap rick is this?!" he growled.

"Language!" Nino yelled. Raigh only backed off a little at this.

Kiran narrowed and responded. "It's not a trick, you asshole, she's your mommy. Of course, she's a younger version of her, but she is your mother nonetheless."

Raigh looked at him with contempt "Do you think I'm a fool?!"

"Language!" This time, Nino began to rip Raigh's ear out "Ay ay ay ay stop it!"

"Of course no, even I would be skeptical if a girl suddenly appears claiming to be my mother, but... didn't Veronica explain to you we are an army that has heroes from different time periods?" like, seriously, Roy seemed to know that just fine.


Nino used her hand to obligate Raigh to look at her, she smiled the most she could "That's right Raighty, Mr. Kiran is able to summon people through the time, that's how I met my friend Lilina."

The mentioned queen greeted their old friends... well, technically they weren't the ones she remembered, but she didn't care too much. "Nice to see you."

"You... traitor!" Raigh complained.

"She's not the same Lilina you know... all right." Kiran scratched his hair and then he yelled. "Corrin!, Lucina! have you found a new orb?"

Lucina was the first one to run towards him. "Here it is."

"Thanks." said the tactician summoner. "Another blue one... is the blue the most common color for them?... cool, I guess." Then he pulled out Breidablik.

"Do you like it, boy?" he said showing it to Raigh.

"What in the he.." Raigh stopped talking as he noticed Nino ready to hurt his ear again. "What is that?

"It looks very weird," commented Lugh.

"Wachen (watch) this." taking his weapon back and reloading the gun, he aimed and shot. The object as always flew few meters before it began to shine more and opened a portal, from which a pegasus and its rider were expelled... unfortunately for the rider, a purple-haired woman, she ended up under the animal.

Lugh and Ephraim looked at the event with curiosity, while Raigh shook his head a few times to confirm his eyes weren't working wrongly. Kiran instead felt even more guilty, not only it wasn't exactly good to take the people away from their world, but now this...

Kiran walked to be by her side, offering her his hand as the animal was already on its feet. "Need a hand?" She looked up and accepted, but once she was able to see him at the eyes, her ones went wide in surprise. Kiran narrowed as somehow, the facial features of this person were familiar.

"Is something... wrong?" he asked.

The girl rubbed her eyes, looked at him again and she exclaimed an: Oh, then she looked away, she seemed to be ashamed.

"Sorry, it's fine... I just... thought you were Mark..." the woman nervously let his hand go and tried to help her pegasus to stand up too.

If Kiran remembered well, this was the second time someone had mixed him up with that person.

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