The World Of The Mystery Final Part

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The next three days went well for the Order Of Heroes, since they were now far from the desert, nobody was having trouble with the heat anymore.
That little fact was enough to make feel everybody in the army better.

Besides, while Kiran wanted to interrogate the Emblian soldiers they captured, he decided to postpone that. It was better to focus his mind in free the world of the Mystery first.

"You what?!" Anna asked. She, Kiran, Alfonse, Sharena, and Linde were at the war tent.

"I'm going to join you" Linde said once more. "but not completely, at least until we liberate my world, after that, I'll stay here."

"Oh, I get it." Kiran nodded several times in understanding. "It makes sense, you all don't really want to follow the orders of Veronica, so, once you get free, you'll help us..." Kiran said.

"The mere fact we were in a desert was to sabotage the Empire. Their curse may kill us if we rebel, but our mind desires to free." Linde crossed her arms.

Kiran continued nodding slowly. Controlling a mind must be much harder.

"Well, welcome to the team then, for now.." Alfonse responded extending his hand for a handshake which Linde accepted.

Before anyone could say anything else, Sharena quickly moved herself towards Linde.

"It's nice to meet you!, I'm Sharena, princess of Askr." she had that big smile of hers.

"Sharena..." Alfonse slowly facepalmed.

"I am Linde, daughter to Pontifex Miloah."Linde, although at first scared, quickly smiled at the princess.

"Come on, there are many heroes I want to introduce you!." Sharena took Linde's hand.

"Uoah!, wait!." Linde almost fell after Sharena started dragging her out from the tent.

Alfonse couldn't help but sigh in frustration.

"Oh come on Alfonse, let your sister be happy." Kiran looked at him with a face of: what the hell is wrong with you man?

"She just told us that she's going to leave us once we free her world, and she still wants to be her friend?.. how much time will it be? it's a waste..." Alfonse negated with his head, still rubbing his face.

"Uhm... guys..." Anna knew that this could get into a bad thing. Nervously, she tried to get their attention.

"No much time I guess, but well, if you met a great person that you know you're not going to see again, wouldn't you like to have fun with that person the max time possible?" Kiran questioned, remembering certain experiences.

"..." Alfonse clenched his teeth and narrowed his eyes.

"I mean... I know what you think about making friends with persons that will leave your life, but it's not like if you couldn't lose a friend at every moment... no one is immortal." Kiran placed his hands opened hands at the height of his shoulders while saying that.

That was enough for Alfonse's frustration to turn into anger.

"Oh my..." Anna was able to see how Alfonse clenched his fists. "AlFONSE NO!" Anna yelled reaching out with her hand.

Kiran didn't have time to react before Alfonse's punch collided on his face.

"ALFONSE!" to say you could see her angry was an underestimation.

He didn't say anything, he just turned to do not see to his commander's face to face.

"Apologize, NOW!" she hit the table with her palm.

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