Chapter 7

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I ran and ran and ran and ran until my legs gave out from under me. My body hit the ground hard causing a groan to leave my lips. My lungs started giving on me as well and in that moment I felt hopeless. All I wanted to do was die and let the walkers consume my body. The footsteps got closer to me and I didn't bother to move.

If it's my time then I'm gonna go peacefully. Suddenly a dark figure stood above my body and fear sank into my stomach. "Did you really think you could run forever? Your problems always catch up to you Nova." The scruffy voice told me and I could feel the smirk on his face.

He bent down and grabbed me by the hair before pulling me up onto my weakened feet. A scream left my mouth as he did so. "This is the end of the road for you, any last words?" He asked as he held the cold blade to my neck. I gulped and closed my tear filled eyes.

"Yeah," I brokenly whispered. "Why? Your supposed to love me...your supposed to be my boyfriend."

He bent down, his lips brushing against my ear. "It's simple Nova Rae, you deserve to die." His hot breath fanned my ear and I let a single tear slip down my cheek. That's when he slid the blade across my neck, ending my life forever.

My eyes opened and I screamed in fear while cowering over to the corner of the room. Negan woke from his deep sleep to see me crying in the corner begging my dead boyfriend not to kill me. He seemed confused as he got up and came over to where I sat with my knees against my chest. He grabbed my hands in his and held them tightly. "Hey, it's okay," he assured me. "It was only a bad dream but your okay. You're safe with me." He tried to assure me.

I looked him in the eyes and immediately felt calm. The tears stopped streaming down my cheeks and I held onto his hands. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and I shook my head yes. He sat next to me and listened to every word that left my mouth. My voice came out weak and shaky but he didn't seem to notice it. He stayed up with me the entire night and I couldn't tell you how grateful I am to him for that.

That was out of character for Negan to do, which made last night so much more better. He doesn't seem like the type to sit at your side after a bad dream and comfort you. He proved me wrong when he did just that for me. The next morning after Daryl brought our breakfast we sat and talked some more about what we did before the apocalypse.

He seemed so genuine that it made me forget all about last night. My only focus was him and the words that poured from his lips. "You know for what it's worth, I liked Rick." He told me after I finished talking about my family. "I know I put him through hell and back but he's one tough son of a bitch."

That made me chuckle and smile a bit. Talking about Rick and what an amazing person he was makes me feel better about him being gone. There's a part of me that believes he is dead even though I don't want to believe it and the other part is still looking for him, still hoping. "Thank you for last night and just being so kind to me." I said.

He smiled and looked down as if trying to hide a blush. Negan...blushing? No way. "It really was no problem." He assured. Before any more words could be said the door opened and Michonne walked in. She had a very complexed look plastered on her worn out face.

"Judith is asking to speak with you. She wants to know why I locked up her aunt." She explained to me.

"Let me talk to her, please." I begged her. She seemed hesitant at first but reluctantly agreed. Only I'm not allowed out of this prison so she brought Judith to me. When I saw her small face walk through the door my whole day got better. "Aunt Nova!" She squealed when seeing me.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I asked her. It feels incredible to see her.

"Why are you in here? What did you do?" She asked and it made my heart hurt. I don't want to tell her quite yet because I'm not sure she could handle it. I know it's not like I killed someone but I'm keeping in mind that she's only a child.

"That's a story for another day. Tell me, how are you?" I asked her again.

"I'm fine but I'd be better if you were on the other side of these bars." She stated making me sad.

"Ok you've got homework to do baby, go home and get started." Michonne told her. She was resistant at first but listened to her mother's orders. I sighed while looking at Michonne. She gave me a sad look before telling me when Daryl will be bringing lunch. After she left I looked at Negan to see him staring at me with a smile.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow.

He smiled. "Nothing." Is all he said before diverting his attention elsewhere. I gave him a look of curiosity before letting a smile creep it's way onto my lips.

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