Chapter 12

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The morning sun is shining in through my window as I open my eyes slowly. I'm gonna try and make today good by starting with the council. They actually did kick me off and I want to get back on there to help make this place safer for people to live. Once getting dressed and ready I headed downstairs.

Even though they let Negan out for a week to see how he does, he's still got responsibilities to do around here. Like picking vegetables in the garden and stuff like that. Me on the other hand is responsible for helping out Siddiq in the infirmary. Before the world went to shit I was a cop that took some classes for medicine. So I know my way around that department.

But before stopping there I went to meet with Michonne about asking her to let me on the council. She met up with me outside her house. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asked.

"Good thank you. How are you?"

She gave me the same response then asked what it is I needed to see her for. When telling her about how I wanted back on she said she'd think about it and ask the others. But she assured me that there isn't any reason they should say no. Other than the whole Negan thing. When we finished talking I made my way into the infirmary where Siddiq was putting away medical supplies.

"Welcome Nova," he smiled.

"Thanks. What do you want me to do first?" I asked. He looked around the room then back at me.

"Nothing yet. But we do have some people coming back today from supply runs so be prepared if they need our assistance." He told me and I nodded my head. The day started to slowly drag on and I became bored sitting at his desk. Suddenly the door bust open and in rushed Daryl.

"Guys we need you quick," he looked extremely worried and stressed out. It made my heart beat quickly.

"What's wrong?" Siddiq asked.

"Nova I'm sorry, it's Judith. She suddenly passed out in-" he started but didn't get to finish because I rushed out the door. If anything happens to her I don't know what I'd do. Standing near the garden is a crowd of people. But in that crowd I saw Michonne crouched down over her small frame.

When approaching, people backed away to let me see her. My heart broke seeing my niece laying there. "Michonne," I tapped her shoulder while kneeling down to check her pulse. She luckily has a pulse but it's low. "What the hell happened to her?" I asked.

Michonne seemed to be in shock that she couldn't answer. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Aaron kneeling down next to me. "We think it could be dehydration or something else." He started. Assuring everyone she would be fine I grabbed her in my arms and lifted her up.

On my walk back to the infirmary I saw Negan staring at us from the garden. He had a look of worry on his face when he saw her. After getting her back and laying her down we looked her over to see what caused this. Soon enough we came to the conclusion that she's dehydrated. Which let me say is very odd because Michonne makes sure Judith drinks her water.

"Maybe it's something with the sun being more hot this summer. But it's kind of weird this happened to you and now her." Siddiq pointed out.

"I know but let's just worry about getting her better before doing anything else."

He agreed and we made sure to give her some water through an IV. Hours passed and Michonne never left her side. When she finally woke up happy smiles spread across our faces. "Hey baby, are you okay?" Michonne asked. Judith nodded and looked at the water bottle sitting on the desk. I poured it into a cup then brought it to her.

She quietly thanked me before taking a deep swig. "I've got it from here if you want to go home," she told me. I looked between her and Judith then nodded my head.

"If you guys need anything you know where to find me." I smiled. After walking through the front door to my home I let out a sigh and kicked off my shoes. "Is she okay?" Negan asked as he entered the room. I only smiled.

"She's great, just tired. But if you'd like then I'm sure you can visit her tomorrow."

He nodded and came over to me. His arms wrapped around me in a hug. I hugged him back, happy to feel the day wash away from me. It's been stressful, what happened to her. Things like this make me wish Rick is still around. Only it would break his heart if anything ever happened to her. She's his baby girl. The only daughter he has.

I'm also sure Carl would be proud of his little sister. I miss him too and would give anything to see my family again. It killed me to lose both my nephew then my brother. Negan noticed my body tense up and pulled away slightly. His hands rested firmly on my waist as he looked into my eyes. He searched them for an answer but found nothing.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired. I think I'm gonna shower then get some sleep." I told him. He nodded, not believing me at all. But he didn't push it and just watched me walk up the stairs to my bedroom. After closing my door I grabbed some clothes then headed to the bathroom for a shower.

It felt good having the warm water run down my body. When finishing I got dressed and crawled into bed. Today has been long and I'm just ready to sleep it away. Hopefully Judith will be okay in the morning. I'm counting on it.

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