Chapter 9

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Since yesterday didn't go so well with me in the sun, Michonne asked me to stay in my cell. Although Negan had to do his job, he's out there right now working. Being locked away in here has started giving me Claustrophobia. The small space is getting to my head and making me go crazy. No sane person should be trapped like this.

The sound of the door squeaking open pulled me from my thoughts causing me to look up and meet the gaze of Daryl. He's holding my tray of lunch in his hand as he shut the door behind him. He slid it under the bars before pulling up a chair and sitting down. I frowned. "Thanks," I said while grabbing the tray and setting it down on the bed next to me.

"I've got news, so take it as you will," he started and I nodded for him to continue. "I overheard the council talking about releasing you early as in tomorrow afternoon early."

The excitement went through me and Daryl smirked when he saw the happy smile on my face. Once he left an idea popped into my head about if they really do let me go. I'm going to negotiate with them about if they let me out then Negan has to be released too. That's going to be a very touchy subject given his past and what he's done.

Everyone in my opinion deserves a second chance, even people like Negan himself. Later that evening when he returned for dinner I told him all about my plan. He sat quietly listening to every word that left my mouth. When I finished he looked at me as I'm the craziest person he's ever seen.

"Nova I get we're friends and whatnot but I can't let you do that for me," he spoke sternly. I sighed and leaned my body against the wall. He doesn't understand I'm trying to give him a chance at life again.

"Well, I don't care what you say because I'm doing it." I crossed my arms and stood my ground. That put a smirk on his face as he looked me up and down.

"You ain't gonna give up, are you?" He asked and I shook my head no. A chuckle left his lips as he looked at me in fascination. "You know, not to make this weird but you are sexy when you don't take no for an answer," he smirked, being his usual self. I playfully rolled my eyes and sat down next to him.

The next day after waking up Rosita came and got me to bring me to the church. That's where they're going to make their final decision. Why does this feel an awful lot like court? As if I'm going on trial or something for a murder I didn't commit. Before leaving Negan winked at me and wished me good luck with only his eyes.

It took them about thirty minutes before making the final decision to let me go. That's when I stood and started my protest about releasing Negan as well. It caught the eyes of everyone in the room as they all said no. The council listened carefully to what I said about how he's a changed man.

By the end, they all went over what I said causing me to lace my fingers together and pray they say yes. "Are you having sex with him? Is that why you want him out so badly?" Eugene asked and my eyes widened.

"Enough!" Michonne glared at him. "We decided that we'll give him one week living behind these walls to see how he does. If he can manage to get along with everyone here then he will be released permanently." Michonne said. Don't get me wrong this is what I wanted and I'm really happy about it.

But I thought it would take more convincing than that. It confuses me why they just agreed so quickly knowing exactly who this man is and what he's capable of. Rosita took my handcuffs off and gave me a smile. "Happy to have you back." She said and I grinned at her. Michonne gave me the key to the cell and I thanked her before going to give him the news.

He looked at me in confusion as he saw me bust in with a smile on my face. "They released me!" I squealed excitedly. He smiled as he stood and came over to the bars where I stood.

"Congratulations, I'm sure as hell going to miss the company." He said and that's when my smile grew. He frowned watching me unlock his cell and open the doors.

"No, you won't because they released you too. They agreed that if you can get along with the others for one week then they will let you go permanently," I informed him. His eyes widened and this time he smiled happily at me. He seemed to be too excited because he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the ground before placing a kiss on my lips.

It surprised me at first and he even surprised himself a little but I kissed him back. He set me back down on the ground as his hands gripped my waist firmly. My arms were wrapped around his neck as the kiss deepened. Soon we pulled away and stared at each other in shock. We were breathless but I didn't regret kissing him back.

"I know you don't have any place to stay so you can stay with me for as long as you need," I assured him, changing the subject. A wave of disappointment washed over his face that I didn't tell him if I liked the kiss or not. But he immediately covered that up with a smile.

"That would be great." He smiled his classic charming smile. After arriving back at my house he took the time to look around the room, taking in his surroundings. His eyes finally landed on me and he took in a breath. "It's going to feel good to sleep in a bed for once. By the way, where is the bathroom, I would love a shower," he grinned.

I showed him to the bathroom and assured him I'd be back with some fresh clothes. Since I didn't own any men's clothing I gave him an outfit of Rick's. Holding his clothes in my hands made me miss my brother even more. Sighing I knocked on the bathroom door only to hear a come in.

The moment I opened the door I am greeted by him wearing only a towel around his waist. It was hard not looking at his perfect body. "Like what you see?" He smirked and I looked back into his eyes.

"What? Here are some clothes, just get dressed," I said before quickly exiting the bathroom. Well, that was awkward.

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