Chapter 23

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Negan Pov

The door to my cell opened and part of me is hoping it's her. Disappointment settled into my stomach seeing it's only Daryl. He began unlocking the door causing me to frown confused. "We need help building the church." He told me as he let me go.

"I thought Nova was helping you." I raised an eyebrow.

"She went out on a run. Let's go." He ordered me. I smirked and followed him outside. About an hour passed when people came over to us shouting and in panic. It confused me watching as Aaron rushed over to where Daryl stood in complete anxiety. What the fuck is going on?

"A group of men took Nova and we have no idea where they took her." He said. My hands balled into fists hearing that and my heart pounded against my chest. I'm going to kill whatever son of a bitch took my girl. I won't let them live to see another day. Daryl looked over at me and saw how angry I am. That's when he approached me.

"We could use you on this one. I'm sure she'll want you to be the one saving her." He told me. I nodded and agreed to help. The next three hours were spent trying to find out where these men would have taken her. Durning those three hours Carol and Ezekiel left to try and track down where they might be.

Soon they returned and informed us they think they found something. Apparently there's an old run down motel about an hour away from here with trucks parked outside it. She has to be there, she has to be. The thought of her being dead or something happening to her angers me. Those assholes have no idea who they're messing with.

"Alright we'll go at sundown but we need to be quiet. If they know we're coming it could turn into a blood bath." Daryl notified us. We agreed on the plan then started preparing for tonight. We formed a group of twelve because we honestly aren't sure how many people are at this place. Not everyone was on board with me going and being out of my cell again but it's for Nova so they accepted.

She's our priority and getting her back alive is the mission. When getting to the old motel we stopped about five minutes down the road so they wouldn't see us coming. On the walk there Daryl stood too close to me. It's obviously because no one trusts me and that's understandable. I did some pretty fucked up shit in my day that I regret.

"Okay remember, be stealthy." Daryl said to us. He's the one in-charge of this whole mission. "Negan and Aaron your with me, Carol, Maggie, Ezekiel, you head around back." Daryl started ordering people. I'm happy that he came to me earlier and handed me my Lucille. It's been a while since I've used her on anyone. The three of us made our way to the front of the motel.

There's probably about four people standing guard outside. This is going to be easier than I thought. Let's hope that I didn't just jinx that. Once Daryl gave us the signal the three of us went over to the men and took them out. I decided to use a knife to their head instead of the bat. I'm saving her for the asshole that took my girl. We then split up to check each room for her. I'm hoping it's me that finds her.

Once getting to the very last room I stood dead in my tracks. The sounds of her screaming made my heart sink from my chest. The sadness got washed away with anger as I held my bat up high and kicked the door down. A man stood there looking shocked as he held a bloody knife in his hand. "Well look what we have here," I gave a sinister smirk.

"Who the hell are you? How did you get in here?" The man asked. Nova looked me in the eyes and relief overcame her facial features.

"Sorry I didn't formally introduce myself. I'm Negan and this here is Lucille," I held my bat up. "And she's feeling real thirsty tonight." I smirked and started to attack him. He tried his best to fight me off and it worked when he used his left foot to kick me where the sun doesn't shine. A groan escaped my lips as he went over to her and untied her.

I watched as he pulled her up against his chest with a knife to her throat. "Don't you fucking dare." I glared angrily.

"I think I will and after I'm done with her your next." He grinned. Before any words could leave my mouth she elbowed him in the stomach then grabbed the knife off the floor that he dropped. I watched as she shoved it through his head. That's my girl. Once he was dead I stood to my feet and looked at her. But this time I really looked at her.

It hurt me to see her face all cut up and the bruise forming around her eye. Not to mention it looks like that piece of shit tried ripping her shirt off because half of it is missing. Luckily I'm wearing a jacket. After taking it off I went over to her and wrapped it around her shoulders. She thanked me. I cupped her cheeks in my hands softly, trying not to hurt her.

"Did he do this to you?" I asked, my voice coming out quiet. She nodded her head yes.

"There was another guy too. He runs this place and every time I did something he didn't like he'd ask Derek to-" she stopped as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Who's Derek?" I asked confused. She pointed to the guy she killed and I let out a breath. Clearly talking about it upsets her and that's the last thing I want. So instead I wrapped her in a tight hug and held her close to me. Later when we arrived back home they let me stay with her that night to make sure she's okay. And I'm happy they did.

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