Chapter 11

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It's been about two hours since I've locked myself in my bedroom. He just really upset me and I needed some time to cool off and think for a moment. I stared out the window of my room just looking at nothing in particular. I'm thinking about my brother and what he would do right now. Rick hates Negan so he would just leave him locked away.

Did I do the right thing by asking the council if he could be released? Come to think of it I'm not even sure if I'm apart of the council anymore. They probably kicked me off after what happened. It would be understandable and make some sense. There's this sudden soft knock at my door and my guess is it's him.

I sighed while opening the door and finding him standing there looking very upset. "Can we talk?" He asked. I nodded and followed him into the living room where we sat down on the couch together. It was silent; I'm waiting on him to say what he needs too.

"I'm no good with words or compassion," he started. "But there is one thing I am certain of in this fucking world. It's that your the only person in the world that still cares about me and I don't want to do anything to mess that up. Believe it or not Nova, you mean a lot to me and it's really hard for me to say this." He admitted.

Hearing Negan be so vulnerable with me put a warm fuzzy feeling in my heart. He may very so be right about me being the only person left that cares for him. It's strange seeing this side of him but I like it and wish he would show it more often. I grabbed his hand in mine and smiled assuringly at him.

"Negan I'm happy you were able to tell me this. I'm happy to have you here with me."

He grinned, his anxiety washing away as he pulled my body close to his in a tight hug. We sat there for a moment just cuddled close to each other while enjoying the company. Our moment sadly got interrupted by the sound of knocking at my front door. Frowning I stood and went to answer it while Negan leaned forward on the couch, watching intently.

On the other side stood my favorite person in the whole world. "Judith!" I smiled at her adorable little face.

"I missed you aunt Nova," she smiled while hugging me tightly. I lifted her in my arms and held her tightly. She and her little brother is the only thing I've got left of Rick and it's amazing. Turning around I caught Negan's eyes staring at the two of us with a grin. He approached us and gave Judith a smirk.

"I've missed your visits little lady," he told her and she smiled.

"Sorry, my mom wouldn't let me come see you." She apologized. I set her back down on the floor and smiled at her and Negan talk about setting up a plan to hangout. She wants to show him a few new things she's learned with her gun. I remember Daryl being the one to teach Judith how to carefully use a firearm.

Once she left Negan turned his attention me. "Your great with kids, who knew?" I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

"No, I'm not really a kid person but I've made an exception for her. She doesn't get on my nerves like most kids do." He told me. I smirked. Judith is one special little girl and I'm happy to call her my niece. "I'm gonna head out for a bit," he told me while grabbing his jacket.

"Okay, do you want company?" I asked. He shook his head no before saying goodbye and leaving. I sighed and looked at my messy house. When did it get this messy if I haven't even been here? Maybe that's what I can spend some time doing today. After grabbing the cleaning supplies I got to work.

Two hours later and my whole house is clean. For some reason Negan still isn't back yet and I thought he would have been by now. I wonder what he went out for that could possibly take this long. It's not like Michonne or anyone would let him leave the gates of Alexandria. Would they? The thought made me feel a bit nervous about.

What if they do let him leave and he never comes back? He wouldn't have anything to come back to anyway. I mean yes we're friends but nothing more than that. I'm no reason for him to stay here, a place where no one accepts him but me. I took in a deep breath and stopped my mind from wandering to various places. Places that I'm not sure is even possible.

The door then opened and in walked Negan holding a smile on his lips. "What took you so long?" I asked, a hint of worry evident in my voice. He closed the door before his attention focused soulfully on me.

"To talk with Michonne about something private. No need to worry, darling." He grinned then kissed my forehead softly. Without saying a word I pulled him in for a hug that he happily returned. It terrifies me that Negan might leave someday. Since the thought crossed my mind it hasn't gone away. What if he one day decides to leave and not come back?

What if he decides to leave me here with no warning? I've grown fond of him and to be quite honest I think I'm falling for the man. He's charming, sexy, and has this sarcastic demeanor to him. I think I might be in love with Negan. Something I never thought would ever happen in my lifetime.

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