Chapter 2

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When I walked through the door of the prison a small sick smile appeared on his face. He stood to his feet and slowly walked over to me. His movements were slow and weak just like the way he looks. Just looking at him you can tell he's not in the best condition. "Here is your dinner and some medicine." I smiled. Out of everyone here I'm the only one who has ever been nice to Negan.

"Thank you." He smirked while taking the medicine first. When he saw what I brought for dinner a frown formed on his face. "Soup?" He looked at me.

"Well yeah your sick. But it's not any ordinary stupid soup. It's a homemade recipe my mom taught me when I was little with the flu." I told him and he looked me up and down with a smirk.

"I didn't know soup could be stupid." He teased while sitting down with his bowl of liquid tomato soup. A small smile crept onto my face when he said that and I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm heading out for the night. Need anything else?"

"No," he said. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow." He grinned.

"Actually no you won't. I've got to head over to the Hilltop to help out Jesus and Tara. But your in the good hands of Aaron. I made him promise to make sure you get your medicine." I assured him. He seemed genuinely happy about that and thanked me for it. I nodded and wished him a Goodnight before heading to the door.

"Wait!" He stopped me. I stopped in the door and turned to face him. He looked confused by something. "Why are you so nice to me? I mean everyone else seems to hate the literal shit out of me but not you. Why?" He asked. I shrugged and gave him an innocent look.

"I guess maybe because your human. I know what you did in the past was horrible and something I'll never be able to forgive you for. But some times we do what we feel is right. You were protecting your people back then, I get it." I smiled assuringly. He nodded.

"Goodnigbt Nova." He winked at me. I smirked and left to go check on my family. No matter what fight we have Michonne is still my family and I'll always be there for her. And I want to see how my niece and nephew are doing. When walking in the door Judith greeted me with a big hug.

"I haven't seen you all day aunt Nova." She said as she pulled away and smiled at me.

"I know but I came to see how your doing. Where's your brother?" I asked her.

"In the kitchen doing homework with mom." She informed me. I nodded and followed her into the room. Michonne sat at the table doing some homework with Rj. When she saw me she smiled slightly.

"Guys go upstairs and get ready for bed," she told them and they nodded. I gave little Rj a hug and wished him a Goodnight then sat down with Michonne. "I'm sorry about earlier," she started to apologize and I waited for her to continue. "Gabriel told me about you leaving tomorrow so I'll make sure Negan gets the medicine he needs." She assured me.

"Thank you. I'm sorry too for what I said. I'm just trying my best to make this place work." I sighed and she definitely agreed with that. Her and I are both doing the best that we can and it doesn't feel like it's good enough. "Have you heard from Carol lately? She said she went out to look for Daryl and still heard nothing." I asked her.

"Not yet but I'm going to the Kingdom tomorrow after you get back so I'll ask her." She said and I nodded. Once we talked I headed home and sank into my couch. It's been a long day that I'm ready to put behind me when I go to sleep. Once changing into something more comfortable I laid down in my bed and closed my eyes.

It seemed like within seconds I fell into a deep sleep. The next morning after waking up I got dressed and grabbed me an apple then left to make my way to the Hilltop. I took my horse that Judith named Carl. After her brother, my nephew. I miss him too and not a day goes by where I don't think of him. He's in a better place now.

On my way to Hilltop I found a girl laying in the street just looking up at the sky. I cautiously got off my horse and made my way over to her, my hand on my gun ready to attack if needed. "Are you okay?" I asked her. She didn't move nor look at me, just stared mindlessly at the clouds in the sky.

"Excuse me ma'am," I frowned confused while leaning down to check if she's hurt. Just as my hand touched her shoulder she grabbed my wrist rather tightly and looked at me worriedly. Suddenly she started screaming while never letting go of my wrist. "Stop yelling! I can help you just please stop. Your going to cause unwanted attention." I told her but she didn't listen.

All of a sudden three walkers came from the woods and four coming from behind me. My horse got upset and I knew I had to get out of here fast. "Let me go!" I yelled at her. It ended up being too late and the walkers got too close. I grabbed my knife and stabbed two in the head before finally getting free from her.

I scooted back on the pavement while the walkers began eating her face and stomach. I felt like I was gonna be sick. Two started coming at me and I stood to my feet before killing them. I rushed to my horse and rushed to the Hilltop, which thankfully wasn't far.

Once they let me in I headed into the mansion, well house where Tara and Jesus waited for me. When they saw my frightened state they became worried. "Are you okay Nova?" Jesus asked.

"Not really," I sighed and explained to them what happened to me on the way here. They saw the bruise on my wrist and Tara gave me a hug. "Now what did you guys need help with?" I asked.

"We're running low on food and was wondering if Alexandria could help out." Jesus told me and I frowned.

"The gardens aren't doing good?"

"No they are but we got more people now. It's okay if you can't-" Tara told but I cut her off.

"It's fine guys we will help you. We're a family remember? Michonne and I won't let you guys starve." I assured them. They thanked me and I nodded as we got to work.

Locked Away // NeganWhere stories live. Discover now