Chapter 5

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*Flashback to last night *

"Look at you," Negan laughed at me. "Your drunk." He stated the obvious. I opened his cell door and walked over to where he stood. He looked completely surprised by this action but didn't say a word. He just watched me with fascination in his eyes.

"I'm sorry for acting so horrible to you before. I want to give you a chance but...but I'm scared." I admitted to him. He raised an eyebrow at me and started to say something but stopped when I lost my footing and fell right into his arms. His arms wrapped tightly around me, holding me up.

"Sorry," I laughed as I stood up on my feet again. He smiled.

"Let me take you home before we both get in trouble." He offered and I nodded my head yes. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lead me outside. I watched his face as he took in a deep breath, savoring the fresh air. It made my heart ache to see, knowing he's got to be locked down there everyday of his life.

When getting back to my house he opened the door and let me go inside first then followed close behind me. I tried taking my shoes off but face planted onto the floor. "Your a fun drunk aren't you?" He asked more to himself than me while he helped me up off the floor.

"And what kind of drunk are you?" I asked smirking.

"Gotta buy me dinner first sweetheart." He grinned. When the nickname he gave me left his mouth my heart skipped a beat. "I should go but are you gonna be okay?" He asked. I shrugged with a drunk smile on my face.

"I'm tired." I yawned the two words. "Can you check my closet for walkers please." I asked. He laughed at me and playfully rolled his eyes.

"After you," he said and I showed him to my bedroom. He looked around my room before his eyes fell on the closet. "Ready?" He asked and I nodded. He opened it to reveal all my clothes hanging neatly on their hangers. "Nothing." He smirked while turning to look at me.

"Thank you." I said.

"You should sleep now." He told me while walking to the door. He watched as I crawled into bed and under the covers, making sure I'm safe.

"Thanks for this." I mumbled to him.

"Goodnight Nova." He told me before leaving. I smiled and closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

*End of flashback *

All the memories from last night came back, hitting me like a thousand bricks. He did take me home and even checked my closet. That thought made me smile just realizing. I sighed knowing I can't let him take the fall for something he didn't do nor had any control over. It was my stupid drunken mistake, not his.

I walked into the church where the council sat trying to think of what to do with him. When Michonne saw me she glared. "What did he tell you?" She asked. I sat down in front of them and gave them all apologetic looks.

"The truth. I got wasted last night and I was the one who let Negan out. Don't punish him for something I did. He only took me home to make sure I was okay. That's when Aaron found him. Please." I begged them telling the whole truth. They looked amongst themselves then back at me.

"What do you think people will say about this? The leader of Alexandria, a council member, cozying up with the enemy?" Michonne asked. I sighed not knowing what to say for myself. I made a mistake.

"Until we figure out what to do with you we have no other choice but to lock you up in that prison with him." Eugene said to which everyone agreed with. My heart dropped and I stood to my feet.

"Wait what? No you-" I started but they weren't listening. Aaron had already cuffed my hands behind my back. Walking outside in front of everyone was so embarrassing. They watched as Aaron walked me to the prison. Some of them even had looks of disgust on their faces. This couldn't get any more humiliating.

What would my brother have done? Rick wouldn't let this happen. But he also wouldn't have let me drink like that. Thinking about him made me sad so I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind. When we walked inside the prison Negan looked at me confused.

He watched as Aaron removed the cuffs and put me inside the cell with him. The door closed and locked behind him. I leaned up against the bars and let out a sigh. "This is your punishment, being trapped in here with me?" He asked. I looked at him and just nodded my head yes.

"Welcome home," he teased. "Although we will be fighting over that bed. I mean unless you wanna-" he started with a smirk but I cut him off quick.

"Is this really all a joke to you? We could die and all you seem to have is sarcasm about it all!" I yelled at him.

"That's because when this world went to shit I lost everything worth living for." He told me and it made me sad to hear. "I lost my wife," he started and I could tell that subject hurt him to talk about.

"Your wife?" I frowned not knowing he even had one. He nodded his head while sitting down on the bed. I joined him and waited for him to continue. "She died of cancer. I just wish I wasn't so damn horrible to her before she passed. As much as she hated me I loved her." He told me.

"What was she like?" I asked. He smiled thinking about her and began to tell me more about her. From the sound of it she sounded like a great woman. He stopped talking and let out a shaky breath.

"What about you? What did you do before all this?" He asked.

"Believe it or not I was a cop alongside my brother. I never married but I did have a boyfriend. He died from a walker bite." I let out.

"Sorry to hear that," he said.

"Don't be. He was careless and reckless. He wasn't a good guy and had what was coming to him. I'm not saying he deserved to die but he died for a reason." I said. "So you named your bat after your dead wife? That seems," I started but he cut me off.

"Crazy? I know but it's the only thing I have left of her." He told me and I smiled.

"When I get out of here I'll see what I can do about getting it back to you." I assured him.

"Her," he smirked at me. "Getting her back." He corrected me and I laughed at him. It might not be so bad being locked up with him.

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