Chapter 6

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About a day passed since being put in here and still no word about any form of punishment. The council hasn't made up their minds yet, which is weird because normally they would have already. Negan isn't the worst roommate down here but he also is really annoying. That's why I'm happy he's asleep at the moment.

Last night was my first night in here and I didn't get any sleep. I stayed up all night just sitting on the floor staring blankly at the wall. Everything seems all messed up right now and nothing feels right anymore. I heard a groan come from Negan and looked to see him sitting up in bed and rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. When his eyes fell on me he smiled.

"Good morning," he winked playfully at me. I just ignored it and wished him a good morning back. I'm really not in the mood today and want to go back home. They have to understand that it only was a drunken mistake and no one deserves a punishment as horrible as death. Certainly not Negan. For once he's innocent in all of this.

"It's not the end of the world you know," he joked and honestly after everything I've been through that made me laugh. He seemed surprised by my sudden outburst of laughter. It actually put a smile on his face watching me. When the laughter died down I looked at him with a slight smile.

"How do you do it?" I asked. "How do you sit down here and not die of boredom?"

He smiled and reached his hand out for me to take. I raised an eyebrow as I put my hand in his. He helped me up off the floor and lead me over to the window. "I like to play a game called who wore the ugliest shoes today." He said and I laughed.

"What are you, a middle school girl?" I teased him. He grinned at me then went back to looking out the window.

"See right there," he pointed to a girl wearing the dirtiest sneakers I've ever seen. But it's the apocalypse, it's not like she can just go buy a new pair of shoes. "She is wearing the uglies fucking shoes I've ever seen in my life." He chuckled.

"There goes Eugene and his sandals," I laughed and he joined me in the laughter. This honestly does make me feel like I'm back in middle school again. When it fell silent I looked at Negan and the happiness radiating from his eyes.

"Well as fun as that was I'm still ready to get out of here." I said while walking over to the bed and sitting down. This place is dark and gloomy. I'm not sure how Negan can survive being in here for so long. He leaned against the wall and stared at me with a look I couldn't quite describe. In my opinion Negan has always been sort of a hard man to read.

His mouth opened to speak but just before any words came out the door opened. In walked Michonne with Rosita close behind her. My eyes locked with Michonne as she opened the cell door. "Come on, we made a decision. We have your punishment." She told me. I briefly looked at Negan to see a look of worry on his face before standing to my feet.

Rosita stepped closer to me and cuffed my hands behind my back. "Is this really necessary? I mean it's not like I'm gonna kill anyone." I asked. Michonne gave me an apologetic look before walking out of the cell. On the way out Rosita whispered in my ear.

"I'm so sorry." Is the only three words she mumbled.

We stepped into the church where all the council meetings are held. They sat me down in the back where I remained cuffed to the chair they set me in. I watched as the council members sat in their seats. "Are we ready to begin?" Eugene asked. Everyone said yes in unison and my heart jumped into my throat.

"We have come to an agreement on the punishment of Nova Rae Grimes!" Eugene stated loud enough for everyone to hear.

"She will spend the next year of her life locked away in a cell with the monster we all know as Negan." Michonne continued. This would have been the moment I stood but since I'm cuffed to a chair I can't. "This is complete bullshit!" I yelled angrily. "I made one drunken mistake but who hasn't? Like any of you are so perfect." I glared.

"Will you, Rosita, please take her back to her home for the next year?" Eugene asked. She nodded and came over to get me. Why the hell is Eugene being such an asshole when I've been nothing but nice to him? Things around here don't seem right and I intend to get to the bottom of it.

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