Chapter 14

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So it's been a few days since that awkward moment with Negan in my bedroom. He hasn't said or mentioned anything about it since but I never failed to notice the sly smirks he would sneak my way. It always sent shivers down my spine, yet I'm pretty sure he knows the affect he's got on me. Especially because he knows about that dirty dream I had about him two days ago.

Today seemed like any other though, him picking vegetables and doing laundry. Then me working in the infirmary. That is until Michonne called a meeting with the council, saying I need to be there for this. When walking into the church a frown formed on my face wondering what they're going to tell me. Is this about me asking to be back on the council?

"Nova we've called you here today to tell you we thought it over-" Michonne started but soon got cut off by Aaron.

"Your back on the council!" He smiled. That made my eyes widen and a smile formed on my face. I made sure to thank them for this and assured they won't regret it. I'm going to do better this time and help run Alexandria the way it should be. We need to make this world a better place, without all the Walkers. After giving everyone a hug I stepped out of the church and started making my way to the infirmary.

Even though my duty is up and I no longer have to work there, it was fun. Helping people is a passion of mine so maybe this job will stick around. As I passed the garden Negan and I made eye contact. He winked at me and it caused me to playfully roll my eyes while continuing my walk. He's making this really hard to forget. The day started to drag on but it finally ended.

Before going home Michonne stopped me at her house and asked if I'd make a quick run to The Kingdom first thing tomorrow. Of course I said yes and that I'll help in any way that I can. When stepping through the front door of my house that I'm sharing with Negan, he sat on the couch, a bottle of bourbon in his hand. How the hell did he get alcohol when I've thrown it all out? Some of it I even gave to Aaron because he asked.

"Where did that come from?" I ask, kicking my shoes off at the front door. He set the glass down on the table before his eyes looked up to make contact with mine.

"It was a gift," he grinned, not really answering my question in the slightest. It only left me more confused as I took a seat next to him on the couch.

"Seriously, i threw out all my alcohol."

"Chill out Nova it's not like I'm trying to get you drunk, I mean unless you asked." He turned to look at me with a sly smirk on his face. His very pretty face. Looking into his eyes is almost hypnotic and I could get lost in them. He noticed my mind went elsewhere as I stared him in the eyes. "See something you like?" He asked, his voice seductive.

"I-I don't-" words weren't coming out right as my eyes darted down to his lips then back into his eyes. He smirked and took the matter into his own hands. His hands softly cupped my cheeks before he pulled me into a rough kiss. Within minutes it got heated as he laid me down on the couch, his large frame hovering over my body. He pulled away from the kiss for only a second to look into my eyes before reconnecting our lips.

My arms wrapped around his neck trying to deepen it as he let one of his hands roam my body. His left hand found the hem of my shirt before he sat up to lift it over my head. I've quite literally been dreaming of this moment with Negan, and here it is. Finally happening. Once we were both left completely naked he used that opportunity to stare at my body as if I'm a delicious snack.

Soon he started leaving evident hickey's on my neck as I felt his member rubbing against my entrance. It caused a moan to escape my mouth. "Are you ready, sweetheart?" He asked, his eyes piercing into mine. Not being able to say anything I nodded my head yes and felt him slowly enter me. My back arched off the couch as his pace started out slow.

A quiet groan left his mouth as he placed his lips back onto mine. Not giving me any warning he quickened his pace, his thrusts getting faster with each one. "Negan," I moaned in pure pleasure. He let out a low groan in response as his eyes squeezed shut. Everything around us felt like it disappeared completely and for a moment there weren't any worries in the world.

I felt myself getting closer to the edge and wrapped my arms around his body trying to pull him closer, deeper inside me. "I-I'm close," I managed to breath out as his lips were attacking my breasts. He pulled away slightly to look into my eyes. He saw what he's doing to me and a smirk formed on his face.

"Cum for me Nova." He let out and not too long after I did. That's what sent him over the edge as he pulled out and came on my stomach. A string of curse words left his mouth followed by a deep groan. When coming down from our highs he crawled off the couch to get dressed as did I.

"That was..." I stopped trying to think of the word to describe what happened just seconds ago.

"Hot?" He finished and I smiled. Once we were dressed I invited him to sleep with me tonight and he didn't reject the offer. He seemed happy to lay next to me. The moment we were under the covers his arms went around my body tightly and he pulled me close to him. It felt nice being in his arms. "Goodnight, baby." He whispered in my ear.

"Goodnight, Negan." I smiled before falling asleep in his strong arms.

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