Chapter 16

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Twenty four hours passed and still nothing out of her. Not even Daryl has anything left to "motivate" her to speak up. Michonne and I spent the last two hours talking about who needs to go back to Alexandria to keep things running. Finally, we came to the conclusion that I'd go back and she can stay to interrogate the girl. It didn't take long for me to get back home.

As soon as I set foot through the gates Rosita came to me with bad news. We began walking as she told me what I missed. "There was a problem with Negan yesterday," she started and my heartbeat quickened. "He got into a fight with someone and now he's back in his cell."

"Thank you. I'll take care of it." I assured her then headed straight to the prison. He told me he would try to get along with people this week so that way they'd let him go. Once opening the door his head slowly looked up to see me standing there. A sigh left his mouth as he looked back down at the ground. I stood in front of the bars, watching the look of disappointment on his face.

"I was gone one day," I stated and he took in a deep breath. "What the hell happened?"

"It's not what you think, Nova. They were provoking-" he started but I cut him off feeling too angry.

"That was your one and only shot Negan! They're not going to trust you now!" I glared angrily. His face suddenly morphed from sadness to anger. He stepped closer to me, a hard glare on his face.

"This isn't my fault! I never said I wanted out of this shit hole but you persisted on getting me out!" He yelled, loudly. His voice got deeper and louder as he shouted at me. It caused me to flinch and take a step back. He's never yelled at me before and to be honest it's quite frightening.

"Fine," my voice grew softer. "Rot in here for all I care." And with that I left. That's the last time I'll try and do something nice for him. Right now my only job is protecting Alexandria from those Whisperers. God for bid if they ever find this community. They already threatened Hilltop and The Kingdom. This place for sure would be next.

Right now I'm gathering everyone up to warn them that we might have to fight. It seems like the day is getting closer and closer for us to take on the new enemy. Carol said that we need to be careful because no one knows what this woman is capable of. Later that night I sat in my kitchen staring blankly at a glass of bourbon. It's from a bottle Negan had left here.

I'm debating on even drinking it or not. Part of me is screaming not to because of what happened last time. Then there's the part that says fuck it, you deserve this. Gladly the part screaming at me not to won and I poured the liquid down the sink before putting the glass on the counter. Just before I could move another step there's yelling and screams coming from outside.

Wondering what could be happening I rushed out to see people frantically running around. Suddenly someone bumped into me and I saw it's Aaron. "Nova thank god your here. Someone let Negan out of his cell and he escaped. We can't find him anywhere." He told me.

My eyes widened as my heartbeat quickened inside my chest. Who the hell would do something that stupid? When I find out who did this I'm going to kill them. Not literally. I helped everyone in the search for him. We searched until the sun came up the next day and nothing. I'm starting to feel more worried about him than I am angry.

I just hope he's okay and not being eaten by a walker somewhere. Of course I know he can handle himself but it's been a long time since he left the walls of Alexandria. Since we had no luck Michonne came back so that way I could head off to Hilltop and see if anyone there knows anything. When getting there everyone assured me they haven't seen nor heard from Negan. This only made my anxiety worsen.

"We'll find him, don't worry." Tara assured me as she rubbed my back soothingly. I nodded and stared out the window of the bedroom they offered me here. Hopefully we find him soon so I can ridicule him for this. Even if we got into that fight I still care about him and want him to be okay.

"Guys we've got a problem," Jesus said as he stepped into the room. There's a look of worry on his face as Tara and I exchange worried glances. "Alpha is here with a heard of walkers. She refuses to leave until we hand over Lydia."

"Bitch." I mutter under my breath as we headed outside the gates of Hilltop. The walkers seem to be under control which is odd but I'm not questioning it. "Bring me my daughter and we will not harm your people!" Alpha yelled.

"Fuck you!" I glared. She gave me an evil smile. This bitch has the nerve to be here in our faces. She's lucky I don't put a bullet in her head right here right now. "And you are?" She looked to me.

"None of your goddamn business." I rolled my eyes. She looked over at some tall ugly dude that my guess is, beta. They just stared at each other until she nodded at him. He stepped forward looking straight in my direction. That's when Jesus stepped in front of me and took over.

"We don't want a fight. We have your daughter safe and sound." He told her.

"Good, just bring her to us and there will be no fight." Alpha exclaimed. Jesus nodded to Tara and Tara left to go get the girl. This will not be ending well for anyone.

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