Chapter 10

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My mind raced while I poured me a glass of whiskey. Suddenly I remembered what got me locked away in the first place and threw out the glass along with the whole entire bottle. Maybe it's best if I'm sober for a while. Groaning, I grabbed a glass of water and started thinking back to Negan and his body.

His hair was dripping wet and falling down onto his toned chest. There's no doubt that he is an attractive man. But would having feelings for him make me a bad person? I'm not even sure I do have feelings for him. He interrupted my thoughts by walking into the room fully clothed.

He stood next to the kitchen sink and stared at me with a devilish smirk on his lips. "Did you have a good shower?" I asked, literally a stupid fucking question.

"It would have been better if you joined me." He commented making my heart skip a beat. He's got some affect on me that I can't explain and I'm positive he knows it. He makes my heart and mind race, not to mention just looking at him makes my whole nervous system go crazy.

"I'm glad Ricks clothes fit you so well, he's got more you can have." I told him as I headed into the living room. An annoyed sigh left his mouth as he grabbed my arm and forcefully turned me to face him. "Was it the kiss? Did I ruin this little thing we had here by kissing you because if I did I'm sorry?" He apologized.

I've never heard Negan apologize before, that's new. He saw the frustrated look on my face and waited for my answer. "No, it wasn't the kiss. I loved the kiss." I assured him.

"Then what is it?"

I looked into his eyes, ones that were pleading for an answer to why I'm acting strangely towards him. "It's nothing, I promise. I'm happy they let you go and that you're finally getting the chance you deserve at life." I assured. That put a small grin on his face as he pulled my body into his.

I hugged him back as my arms wrapped around him. He rested his head on mine while we silently enjoyed each other's embrace. "You should know I'm not comfortable wearing your brothers clothes. Tomorrow I'm gonna go search for my own." He mumbled. That made me chuckle and pull away to look at him.

"We should sleep, it's getting late." I informed him. He nodded and wished me a Goodnight before we went our separate ways. He slept in one of the many empty guest bedrooms while I laid down in my bed. It has been one crazy freaking day.

My eyes opened the next morning and my body stretched while a yawn escaped from me. The smell of pancakes, eggs, and bacon filled my nostrils as I climbed out of bed. It made me feel confused as I headed down the stairs and into the kitchen where Negan stood making breakfast. The second his eyes landed on me he smiled brightly.

"Good morning Princess, breakfast is ready," he said as he had one of my aprons wrapped around his body. The nickname actually made me blush as I sat down at the table. He set a plate in front of me and I took in the amazing smell. He took off the apron then joined me at the table with his own plate of food.

Without saying anything he started digging in making me grin. He noticed me not eating and just staring intently at him. That made him raise an eyebrow while setting down his fork. "What?" He asked. I shrugged and picked up my utensils.

"Happy looks good on you, you should wear it more often," I said before cutting up my pancake. He smiled, loving the sound of that. After breakfast I took him to where Michonne kept his clothes along with his baseball bat that he named Lucille. That actually really creeped me out but I never said anything about it.

He smiled almost instantly seeing his things as he grabbed the bat from the bag. He held it tightly in his hands and looked at it with a smile wide on his face. "Did you miss me sweetheart?" He asked it.

"Should I leave you two alone?" I playfully asked and he chuckled at me.

"I don't say it enough but thank you," he nodded towards me and I assured him it's no problem. On the walk back to my house people stared at him in complete fear. It also didn't help at all that he's waving his bat around like the old days. "Maybe you should put her away. People are uncomfortable." I informed him in a low whisper.

He glanced around at the people then rolled his eyes before shoving the bat back into the bag. To assure him everything will be okay I grabbed his hand in mine and held onto it tightly. He looked down at our connected hands before holding mine back. We then proceeded to walk back home hand in hand while people stared.

Some looked shocked at us and others were nervous. Then there is that small group of people who want nothing more than to see him dead. Relief settled into my stomach when we arrived back at my house. "What is wrong with you?" I ask after he closes the front door behind him.

"What do you mean?" He frowned confused.

"Negan you were just released and suddenly you think it's okay to wave your bat around in front of people. They're still scared of you!" I glared. His face went straight from confusion to pure anger. He stepped closer to me and just by looking into his eyes I can tell he's going to explode.

"They're afraid of me or you are? Admit it Nova you still don't trust me one bit," his eyes narrowed at me. Fear washed over me and part of me didn't want to admit that he's right but also sort of wrong.

"Fuck you! I have been nothing but good to you!" I rolled my eyes before going into my room and slamming the door behind me. What have I gotten myself into? I slid down the door with my hands covering my face, trying to stop the tears. I feel like such an idiot for letting him in, for letting him get that close. That's on me...that's my fault.

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