Chapter 1

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Anxiety settled into my stomach as Michonne paced back and forth in front of me. My hands rested on the table in front of me while I fiddled with my fingers. She's upset with one of the people of Alexandria for leaving without her or me knowing about it. Ever since my brother Rick disappeared six years ago, she and I are now in charge of this place.

I'm more laid back than her so people tend to come to me for things. She absolutely hates that too. Finally, after pacing for the millionth time she stopped and looked at me with her finger resting under her chin. "We're going to give them a warning." She made a decision.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at her. She nodded finalizing the decision. When we agreed on that we told the man who left that this is his warning but if he does it again there will be consequences. I'm pretty sure that since I'm so laid back people think they can just do whatever they want. It's something Michonne gets upset with me for.

She says I need to be more lean on these people but that won't fix whats wrong with the world. "I'm gonna go check on Judith and Rj. Can you bring Negan his lunch?" She asked me. Once nodding my head she left for her house. I sighed and fixed him a plate of food before bringing it to his cell.

When I entered the prison he looked up at me from his bed then looked back down at the ground. Normally he's always got something smart to say or just something to say in general. But now he's just sitting there looking at the floor as if he just watched someone he loves die in front of him. Weird analogy I know but it's all I've got.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him. He leaned up against the wall and looked at me. His eyes were dull and his face pale.

"I'm not feeling," he stopped and began coughing. Once he stopped coughing he looked at me and finished his sentence. "Well."

I raised an eyebrow and grabbed the key to his cell then opened the door. "Oh no Michonne won't like this." He joked. There's the old Negan. I ignored him and walked over to where he sat on his bed. He watched me as I put my hand to his forehead, feeling for any type of fever. Just his luck he's got one.

"I'll be back with Siddiq." I told him. Siddiq is our doctor here and helps with things like this. "Just don't move." I told him while locking up the cell again.

"Where would I go?" He coughed. "Disneyland?"

I rolled my eyes at his comment and went to the infirmary to fetch Siddiq. When he saw me walk through the door a smile appeared on his face. I also found him standing next to Rosita holding their beautiful baby girl. I smiled at the cute baby then looked to her father. "Negan has a fever and I'm worried that he might be sick. I need you to come with me and give him a check up." I told.

He looked hesitant but agreed and gave his daughter to Rosita. Soon we stood in the prison while I watched him work his magic. He had a frown on his face the entire time he looked Negan over. Once finishing he started putting his things back into his bag while telling me what's wrong. 

"He's got a cold but nothing more. He should be fine in a couple of days." He assured and I thanked him for this. Suddenly before he could say anything Michonne came busting in angrily.

"What the hell is going on down here?" She asked, looking at me.

"Negan had a fever so I asked Siddiq if he would check on him. Is there a problem?" I frowned.

"Yes there is. Siddiq go back to work. And as for you Nova, what the hell were you thinking?" She glared.

"Did you suddenly forget that we both were left in charge?" I asked her, hoping to freshen her memory.

"Cat fight," Negan mumbled under his breath and I rolled my eyes while glaring at him. He only smiled in return before coughing up a storm. Michonne gave me one last glare then left without another word. She's not letting it go this easily. I know I'll have a stern talking to later.

"I'll be back later with your dinner and some medicine. Do you need anything before I go?" I asked, turning to Negan. He pretended as if he is pondering over my question and I sighed waiting for his answer.

"No, thank you." He gave me a cheeky grin. I nodded then left to get back to my duties of the day. Like going over to the church to see what Gabriel needed me for earlier this morning. He needed my assistance but I was so busy with Michonne that I couldn't help. When walking inside I saw him reading the Bible to a couple of children trying to teach them the ways of God.

"Can you excuse me for a moment?" He asked them when he saw me. They nodded as he approached where I stood. "Thank you for coming. I got word from Hilltop and Tara is having some trouble. She asked if you or Michonne could help." He said.

"Sure," I nodded. "I'll head up tomorrow morning." I said and he smiled. Gabriel is in charge of contacting the other groups like Hilltop, The Kingdom, and Oceanside to make sure they're okay. Later that day as I prepared to bring Negan his dinner Michonne stopped me in the kitchen.

"What's all this?" She asked confused.

"Negan's dinner," I frowned wondering how she didn't know this.

"No I mean the medicine. We're running low and can't be wasting it on him. If he dies he dies." She shrugged as if his life meant nothing. I'm angry with him too. I hate Negan too, for everything he's done to us. I was there when he killed Abraham and Glenn.

Not a single day passes where I don't think of them but her behavior is not acceptable. "Listen he's a human being and I don't care if you hate him or not, he doesn't deserve to die when there's a way to help him." I told her sternly then left for the prison.

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