Chapter 19

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Daryl, Jesus, Ezekiel, and Carol emerged from behind trees with machine guns in their hands. Relief washed over the faces of me and Alden. We're so happy to see our people and thanked them for saving our lives. On the way back home Alden pulled me off to the side so he could talk to me in private. "I saw what happened back there." He stated making me frown.

"Don't play dumb with me," he smirked. "I saw Negan save you but don't worry I won't say anything."

"Thank you." I smiled. He nodded while giving me a side hug. We got back to Hilltop and that's when I decided it's best for me to go back home to Alexandria. They were sad to see me go but things and people need to be protected there as well. Michonne actually left Hilltop this morning and went to Oceanside. She said she had business there to take care of.

She also took Judith and Rj with her. Hopefully they'll be safe there. When getting home I found Aaron teaching some of the people self defense. It made me happy to see because we need as many hands on deck as we can get. As soon as I stepped in the front door to my house, Gabriel sat on my couch looking really creepy.

It caught me off guard and I jumped a little. "I'm sorry Nova, I didn't mean to frighten you." He apologized while standing to his feet.

"It's fine just don't creep around in my house like that," I smiled. He nodded and began telling me why he's here. It's because while Michonne and I were gone, Alexandria got a threat from Alpha. That made my blood boil with anger. That bitch just doesn't know when to give up. She's messing with the wrong group of people.

"When do they want to attack?" I asked sitting down and taking a deep breath. If deep breathing didn't help me I'd probably be killing someone right now. He sighed and gave me a worried look. Just by the expression on his face I can tell it's sooner rather than later.

"Tonight. It's not confirmed but I heard they're wanting to invade Alexandria with walkers." He informed me. A groan left my mouth knowing I'm going to have to radio this in to Michonne and get her opinion on it. Later that night after listening to what Michonne asked of me I went home and prepared.

She said that if they want war then to give them just that. They could be here any minute so I should probably get outside with the rest of them to help fight. Everyone from Hilltop, The Kingdom, and Oceanside are here. The only person that couldn't be here is Michonne because she's helping get the kids to safety. As I stood near the front gates I checked myself over to see I've got everything like my gun, knife etc.

"It's okay to be scared," Daryl whispered in my ear. I looked at him and sighed.

"I think at this point I'm more angry than scared."

He agreed with me as he got ready for this fight. Suddenly balls of fire were emerged from the sky. My eyes widened watching as the fire balls hit the houses of Alexandria and other places. "Find cover and attack!" I yelled. Everyone scrambled before firing guns and stabbing the skin walkers. This is the fight we have prepared for, the one we were afraid of.

My eyes darted around looking for her. I'm going to be the one to kill Alpha and rid of her burden. Anger, sadness, and fear settled into my stomach seeing she is running with Negan at her side. They're running towards the entrance of the woods. It looks like they're leaving the fight. Wow she starts something she's too afraid to finish.

It bothers me when people can't fight their own battles. I knew everyone had this war covered so I followed them both into the woods. She is dead and I'm going to make sure Negan gets thrown back in his cell when this is all over. I don't care what he says, he betrayed me...the group. They went a pretty good distance out into the woods.

Suddenly they stopped causing me to quickly hide behind a really large tree. My heart is beating fast inside my chest as I watch them talk. Their too far away for me hear but from the looks of it they're having a disagreement. I wonder about what though? She turned her back to him and began looking for something.

My eyes watched as Negan pulled out a machete from his waistband. A second went by as I watched him cut her throat open. My eyes widened at the sight but I can't let it be known that I'm here. The moment he started cutting her head off I looked away and rested my head against the tree. What the hell did I just witness? Why would he do that if he was apart of their team?

This is it, I've got to tell the others about this. Just as I started running back a hand grabbed my arm and forced me against a tree. The rough impact caused a groan to leave my lips. When looking to see who grabbed me my eyes widened seeing Negan. Oh shit he caught me and now he's going to kill me too. He had a glare on his face, a cold one at that.

"What the hell are you doing out here?" He asked, his voice on the verge of getting louder. That would be a bad move considering there's walkers everywhere.

"From the looks of it, witnessing a murder." I retorted. He didn't say anything after that, just stared at me for a moment. "Why did you kill her?" I asked and finally broke the silence. He sighed and looked down for a second then back at me.

"It's what Carol asked of me." He let out and that's when things changed.

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