Chapter 13

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It's dark outside, the wind is howling, and I lay awake staring at the dark ceiling. It's probably well past midnight and for some reason, I'm not able to sleep. Maybe it's because my mind won't stop thinking about Judith but whatever it is, it's preventing me from sleep. I turned my body onto my left side and stared out the window. The tree smacked against it from the rough winds outside.

Just as my eyes closed I heard a loud thud from outside my door. My heart jumped as I got up out of bed and rushed to open my bedroom door. Laying on the floor in the hallway is Negan. He stood to his feet and gave me an apologetic smile. "What are you doing?" I asked, covering my eyes from the brightly lit hall light.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you, I fell." He pointed to the floor. A chuckle left my mouth and I playfully rolled my eyes at him.

"You didn't wake me. Actually, I'm not able to sleep so I've just been laying in bed."

He looked at me for a moment, his eyes staring hypnotically into mine. The silence is broken when he finally spoke up. "Want some company? I promise to keep my hands to myself," he teased. A playful smile appeared on my face as I nodded my head yes. He followed me into my room, closing the door behind him before laying down next to me in my bed.

He acted almost afraid to be near me. Trying to make things less awkward I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. His body tensed and I could hear his heartbeat quicken. Carefully his arms went around me and he let his fingers run smoothly through my hair. It feels so good being in his arms; it's helping me feel more sleepy.

"What were you doing in the hallway to make you fall?" I asked, randomly.

"I was coming back up the stairs and tripped over my own feet." He admitted. That made me bust out laughing. It suddenly seemed like a bad idea to laugh because within seconds his body hovered above mine as he stared down at me. His hand had both my arms pinned above my head while the other rested on the bed, keeping his weight off me. "Does my stupidity amuse you?" He asks, his voice barely audible but I heard him.

Smiling devilishly I nodded my head yes. "Maybe I'll have to teach you a lesson," he smirked as his face inched near mine. I felt his lips brush against mine as he looked into my eyes. "What happened to keeping your hands to yourself?" I asked.

"I changed my mind, sweetheart." He grinned and without another word his lips crashed into mine, in a swollen kiss. If he didn't have my hands pinned above my head then I'd of pulled him in to deepen the kiss. He used his free hand to roam my body. He let me go so he could sit up and lift his shirt up over his head. I bit my lip looking at his bare chest.

"You like what you see?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips. I nodded as he smiled and took my shirt off me next. He stared down at my body before leaning down and finding my lips again. This time my arms were able to wrap around his neck and deepen the kiss. He started slowly making his way down to my jawline then began leaving hickeys anywhere he could on my neck.

My fingers tangled in his hair as he used his left hand to squeeze my boob. In one swift motion, he unclipped my bra and threw it to the floor. "Nova," he whispered my name.

"Nova!" He yelled causing me to open my eyes wide.

I looked around my bedroom and saw Negan standing there looking at me confused. "What happened?" I asked confused. Did I just have a sex dream about him? That is totally embarrassing even if he doesn't know about it. My heart is racing in my chest as he looked at me.

"By the looks of it, someone's got you all hot and bothered." He smirked. I gulped and my mouth started suddenly feeling really dry. "Don't leave me out, who was it?" He asked. I glared at him and got up out of bed. "Oh was it Rosita, a little girl on girl action?" He asked making me roll my eyes and search my dresser for clothes.

"Or was it Daryl? Hey, I wouldn't judge." He smirked. I then turned to him and glared angrily.

"If you must know I had a sex dream about you!" I yelled wishing that I hadn't. Now things are going to be extremely awkward between us. He seemed surprised by this as he looked at me wide-eyed. I frowned confused watching the shock turn into him smirking.

"Was I any good?" He asked.

"You're terrible." I groaned. He laughed at me and watched as I pulled out a change of clothes. "I need to get ready to check on Judith. Maybe you should get ready too. I'm sure they're waiting for you in the garden." I told him. Before I could leave my room he grabbed my arm and forced me to look him in the eyes.

"You don't need to be embarrassed darling," he assured. "It'll stay our dirty little secret," he smirked as he whispered it into my ear. He sent shivers up my spine as he left the room feeling amused with himself. This man is going to drive me crazy. Sighing I got ready and headed over to the house so I can check on Judith.

When seeing that she's doing okay I went back to the infirmary where I spent the day helping Siddiq. The only thing my mind could go back to that day is him and that dream I had of him. It felt so real and when he whispered into my ear like that, it made my heart jump. Negan is going to be the death of me.

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