Chapter 25

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The next few weeks were spent rebuilding Alexandria and the infamous church we spend so much time in. We are close to being done but there is still so much to do. Negan has helped a lot too with the building and other things. I've spent a lot of my time helping out in the infirmary along with building some new homes for our residents.

All I could think about these last couple of weeks is Rick and Carl. They would be so happy and proud to see what we have created here. We haven't just formed communities but we formed a family. The only thing that would make this whole thing better would be to have Rick and Carl here. I know that Carl is in a good place and as for Rick, I'm hopeful he'll be home soon to see the work we've done here.

Today I'm spending most of my time in the infirmary because lately I haven't been feeling too well. Part of me might know why and the other part doesn't. Siddiq gave me a checkup then said something I didn't want to hear. "I'm gonna have you take a pregnancy test."

"Why?" I asked a question that sounded so stupid. I only asked because I'm nervous that if I take one it will be positive. I'm not sure that Negan and I are in the place to be having a child. Especially not Negan. How is he going to react if I'm pregnant? I let out a breath because I don't even know for sure I am or not.

"Have you and Negan been having sex?" He asked.

"Well I-Uh...yes." I stuttered out the answer. He nodded and grabbed a pregnancy test before handing it to me.

"There's a bathroom right there." He told me. I sighed and went into the bathroom. After taking the test I stood there waiting for the results. Soon it came time to look and I tried calming my anxiety. My eyes then darted down to the test in my hands and they went wide. It's positive. I'm pregnant.

I rushed out of the infirmary, ignoring the calls from Siddiq. I frantically searched for Negan until finding him talking with Daryl. Without saying a word I grabbed his arm and started to drag him away from Daryl. This confused both men. He then grabbed my arm and stopped me dead in my tracks.

"Nova, relax." Negan sighed as he looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Can we please talk about this at home?" I begged. He agreed and we went home to talk. Once we were sitting on the couch he waited for me to start speaking. "So I went to the infirmary today and saw Siddiq." I told him.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. I nodded my head yes and he looked relieved. "Then what is it?"

"Negan I'm...I'm pregnant." I told him while showing him the test. He stared at it in complete shock then looked back into my eyes. He seemed to be in so much shock that no words would leave his mouth. My heart is pounding in my chest at his next move. What if he decides this is too much and leaves?

One of my biggest fears is Negan leaving me. Finally, after a moment he spoke up but he wouldn't look me in the eyes. His eyes just stayed glued to the test he's holding. "I just can't believe I'm going to be a father," a small smile broke loose on his lips. That made me feel a little better. His eyes met mine and this time his smile widened. "We're gonna be parents."

"You're not angry?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I be angry? I'm fucking excited to be a dad. We're going to be fantastic parents." He assured me and I smiled. I pulled him into a hug that he happily returned. Once pulling away he kissed me passionately and I melted into it. "I love you so much sweetheart," he mumbled against my lips.

"I love you too, baby." I smiled then proceeded the kiss. Later that day he was so excited about being a dad that he went around telling everyone in Alexandria. I would have liked to wait a while before telling anyone but I understand his excitement. I'm scared as hell to be a mom but part of me is excited for this and that washes away all the anxiety.

People were shocked to learn that Negan is going to be the father to an innocent little person. But nonetheless he really grew on these people and they made sure to congratulate us. Michonne jokingly suggested a baby shower but of course Negan took that seriously. "How are we going to have a baby shower without knowing the gender?" I asked him.

"We'll just get all gender neutral colors." He smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes and looked at the man I'm going to be having a baby with. He's amazing. These next nine months are no doubt going to be hell but when the baby is here it'll all be worth it. When Judith found out she'd be having a cousin she got excited.

"I'm gonna teach em everything my dad and brother taught me." She said and I smiled. I sure hope she does because that would mean a lot to me. It would make me feel even closer to them. We've definitely got so much to do before the baby actually arrives. And I'm sure by the time the baby does get here Alexandria will be well ready.

I'm also excited to tell everyone at Hilltop and The Kingdom. They're going to be happy as well. It seems like life is starting to go back to being good again. Not perfect but good. And that's all I can really ask for right now. As much shit as I went through I'm happy with my life at this moment in time.

This is the final chapter to Locked Away but be ready for the Epilogue ❤️ hope you enjoyed 🥺

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