Chapter 18

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I woke up in the safety of Hilltop. Yesterday was no luck since we had to hand over the only leverage we had on the enemy. Plus we still have no freaking idea where Negan is or if he is okay. Please let him be okay. On my way down the steps I saw Daryl whisper talking with Jesus. When they noticed me approaching they stopped and smiled.

Something seems off with them and I'm tempted just to keep my mouth shut. I trust Daryl with my life so whatever he's planning must be good. "Good morning Nova." Jesus greeted.

"Good morning. Is there a plan for taking down Alpha or are we still thinking?" I asked. Daryl told me we're still trying to think of a way to get to her and I nodded. After leaving them Tara and myself went for a walk around the community to talk about our plan. We think the best way to take her down would be by surprise. But we aren't sure that everyone else would see it that way.

"Hey guys we need one of you to help go on a supply run," Alden stopped the two of us. Alden is a guy who used to be apart of the saviors but he proved himself to be an excellent member of our team. He's even dating Enid, a girl who helps a lot around here. "Who is all going on this supply run?" I asked.

"Just me but I wanted backup." He stated. I assured Tara I'd go with him and she agreed before going to talk with Jesus about the plan. As soon as Alden and I got ready we got on our horses and left. We searched whatever we could but found nothing. Finally, we stopped in front of an old gas station. It looks like it hasn't been touched in years so maybe no one has raided it yet.

We hitched up our horses then went inside and looked around. Happiness filled my body seeing a whole case of water bottles inside a non working fridge. It contains 20 waters. It may not seem like enough but it's better than nothing. "Nova I found some food we can use." Alden said walking over to me.

"Awesome," I smiled. "And I found this." I held up the case of water. He gave me a grin as we packed it all up in the bags we brought. As we were putting things away and getting ready to leave I heard a noise coming from inside the gas station. "Did you hear that?" I asked. He frowned and nodded his head yes.

"Maybe it's a walker, let's go." He started and I agreed. We started to get on the horses when the noise came again but louder this time. That's when we both cautiously made our way inside to investigate. He went one way and I went the other. I headed into the back where it lead me to a back door. We're in the middle of no where and are surrounded by woods.

"Alden!" I yelled. There wasn't any response so I called his name again. Worry started filling my body as I rushed around to find him. Suddenly before I could take another step something hit me hard in the back of the head.

My eyes slowly opened and I looked around confused. I'm in the middle of the woods surrounded by skin walkers. Their all Alphas people but I don't see her anywhere. My hands are tied behind my back as I lay on the ground. Next to me lays Alden and he is still unconscious. "Alden!" I whisper shouted. I scooted close to him and tried moving his body.

Gladly he opened his eyes and looked at me. When he realized what happened worry filled his eyes. "They're up!" A voice yelled. Alpha then emerged alongside beta. She forced beta to pick Alden and I up and put the two of us on our knees. What the hell is going on? She is definitely going to kill us.

"Hello," she said as she stepped over to us. I felt an aching in my head from whatever they hit me with earlier. "You people are going to pay for taking my daughter." She glared at us.

"Fuck you and your psychotic friends!" I yelled angrily. That seemed to piss beta off and he punched me in the face. It hurt so bad that I'm positive he broke my nose. Blood poured down my nose and onto my shirt. A groan left my lips from the horrible pain but I'm not going to show them just how weak I can be.

"Hey Alpha look what I-" I hear an all too familiar voice say. My eyes looked up to meet the ones I've grown to love. There stood Negan holding a mask in his hand. His eyes widened seeing me but he immediately looked away. It broke my heart seeing he joined their side and left me with no warning.

"Not now," she looked at Negan. "We've got company." She stepped closer to him her face inches from his. Seeing another girl so close to him like that made my blood boil. "We'll talk later." She smirked as she kissed his lips so softly. My heart shattered into a million pieces seeing him kiss her back.

"Now back to you," she looked at me. "I don't appreciate the way you talk to me."

"I really don't give a shit how you feel." I glared coldly. She then grabbed a large knife from her pants and held it to my neck.

"No please don't!" Alden begged but she payed no attention to him.

"Let me killing her teach these people a lesson!" She called to her people. My eyes met with Negan and he had nothing but sadness in them. My eyes darted down to his hands and saw they're balled into fists. He slowly closed his eyes and when they opened I swear I thought I saw them water.

"You said we weren't going to kill them," Negan finally spoke up. Trying his best to get her not to kill me. She looked at him and glared.

"This is what's right," she stated. She then started to cut my throat but stopped when the sound of guns being fired made a loud noise. Everyone ran like hell trying to escape. When no one was looking Negan rushed over to me and began untying my hands.

"Why?" Is all I could muster up with tear filled eyes.

"I promise you everything will make sense soon." He then helped me to my feet and I turned to face him. "Until next time, baby." He winked then rushed off with the rest of them. My heart broke but I had no time to cry. I helped Alden and freed him from the ropes.

Now...who fired those guns?

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