Chapter 15

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Authors Note: this story isn't exactly like the show. So if you see things that don't make sense, that's why. Thank you and enjoy ❤️

When waking up this morning in the arms of Negan everything just felt right. Sadly this moment is going to end because I need to get ready and head over to the Kingdom. I'm not sure what they need help with but if they're asking for our help it must be bad. Slowly I tried getting out of bed but his grip on my waist tightened. He pulled me back into bed before opening his eyes and staring into mine.

"Where are you going?" He asked, his mumbled morning voice coming out as raspy and deep. It's actually a really big turn on.

"The Kingdom needs me, I'll be back some time later today." I assured him while running my fingers through his hair. He grabbed my hand from his hair and held onto it tightly. He just smiled at me without saying a word. As comforting as it is, it also creeps me out. "I need to get ready."

"Ugh," he groaned while turning over to lay on his back. I smiled and placed a kiss on his cheek then got up and started getting ready. Before I could leave out the front door he grabbed my arm turning me to face him. His arms wrapped around my waist as he stared me in the eyes. "Have a safe trip, and don't die." He warned me.

"I can't really control that," I laughed but he didn't even so much as smile. He's serious.

"Try." He demanded. A smirk formed on my face as I kissed him assuringly, letting him know I'm gonna be fine and he has nothing to worry about. He seemed to relax into the kiss before we pulled away. After saying goodbye I got onto my horse and started the long journey to The Kingdom.

It took maybe an hour or so to get there and along the way I had to kill probably like six walkers. When getting to the front gates one of the people on guard smiled as they let me inside. I said my hellos as I headed to meet Carol and Ezekiel. A smile made its way onto my lips seeing Daryl sitting at a picnic table all alone. There's no way I don't have time to stop and say hello.

"Busy?" I asked causing him to look up at me. He smiled and stood to give me a tight hug. Once pulling away we sat for a moment to catch up before I left. I knocked softly on the door to their home and within seconds Carol stood there with a smile on her face. "Thanks for coming Nova." She said as she let me inside.

As the three of us sat down they began to explain why they called someone from Alexandria to come here. Apparently there's a new enemy that goes by the name Alpha. She and her people are terrorizing not only the kingdom but also Hilltop. When some crazy bitch threatens my friends and our communities, that's when we have a problem.

I assured them I'd round everyone up from Alexandria that I could to think of a way to rid of this problem. Carol said Alpha has a daughter that is locked up at Hilltop. Daryl is heading out later today to question her. After leaving and getting back home Michonne and I talked about this and what we should do. Obviously we're going to help, no doubt.

I'm pretty sure Ezekiel said they call themselves The Whisperers. That's fairly odd but we're still going to kill every last one of them. The daughter of Alpha has a name even though they don't have names. She says her name is Lydia. And dear old Lydia was really close to killing Jesus. If something would have happened to him I'd of killed her myself.

We're all a family here and we protect each other. By the time lunch rolled around I headed home to make a quick sandwich. Then I'm meeting Michonne to talk about heading out for Hilltop today. As I made me a sandwich Negan walked in through the front door. He is covered in dirt and sweat. His hands are dirty not to mention covered with scratches. It made me frown seeing him.

"You look awful," I stated. "What happened to your hands?"

He sighed while sitting down at the island where I made a sandwich. Suddenly I'm not hungry anymore and decided to just give it to him. He looks like he needs it a lot more than I do. "They worked me extra hard today. My hands got all cut up from the thorns as I picked tomato's." He informed me. Anger washed over me at that and I wanted to yell at whoever did this.

"Why were they working you so hard today? Who is in-charge?" I asked. He smiled softly while holding my hand in his. My body relaxed and the anger went away...slightly.

"Thanks for the concern but I am fine baby doll." He smirked. I nodded and handed him the sandwich. While he ate I bandaged up his hands then let him go upstairs to take a quick shower. He still isn't done for the day, he's got laundry to do next. At least that's not as bad as picking vegetables from the garden.

He asked me how my day was and I told him. But I'm leaving out the parts about Alpha and this whole thing. I don't want him to worry about something he can't do anything about. Later Michonne and I went to Hilltop where Tara showed us to Lydia. She sat on the floor of her cell staring mindlessly at the wall.

She noticed a presence in the room and turned her head to see two new faces. "Where are you from?" I asked her. She rolled her eyes and looked between Michonne and I.

"I'll tell you what I already told them, we move around a lot. We're not from one specific place!" She glared. Michonne and I exchanged looks knowing that getting information out of her isn't going to be easy. We might just need to get Daryl down here.

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