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Five years later

"Oh no here comes your dad!" I smiled at my daughter. She squealed and ran into the closet to hide from him. We thought a game of hide n seek on Sunday morning would be fun so that's what we're doing. Negan's footsteps could be heard coming up the steps. While she hid in the closet I hid behind the curtains as if that's the best spot.

"Where are my girls?" He asked walking into her bedroom. He smirked seeing me behind the curtain and came over to me. He then ripped the curtains back and smiled at me. "Looks like I found you," he smirked. I chuckled as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly. Once pulling away he started looking for Bella, our little girl.

He looked under the bed but found nothing. Suddenly his attention was turned to the closet after hearing a noise coming from inside. Him and I shared smirks as he wrapped his hand around the doorknob. He opened it swiftly and found her sitting on the floor looking up at him. "Found you!" He smiled while grabbing her in his arms and holding her close to him.

She giggled but they turned into laughs as he tickled her. "Daddy please stop!" She begged him through her laughs. He did and let her catch her breath. Just as he started to say something there was a knock at the door. We exchanged odd looks then went down to see who it is. Smiles spread across our faces seeing Judith.

She's grown so much in these past five years. She's currently sixteen years old and starting to look more and more like Rick. "I'm here for little Ms. Bella." She smiled. Bella hugged Judith and she smirked. For the past few weeks Judith has been taking Bella and teaching her how to fight. But since she's only five she teaches her easy things.

"Looks like we have the house to ourselves," I grinned. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer into his chest.

"As tempting as that sounds I have to help Daryl and Ezekiel today on a run." He told me. I pouted but nodded and kissed him. He kissed me back happily before pulling away and going to get ready and leave. Now I've got the house to myself and that's no fun. I decided to make good use of my time and help out in the infirmary. That's what I'm good at and helping people is fun for me.

Later that day Siddiq and I were sitting together just talking when Judith rushed in the infirmary holding Bella in her arms. My eyes widened seeing her and rushed to her side. "What happened?" I asked as I took my unconscious daughter and laid her down.

"Well I was teaching her how to fight and looked away for one second and by the time I got to her the knife was already," she stopped as her eyes filled with tears.

"Aunt Nova I'm so sorry." She apologized.

"Judith it's not your fault just go find Negan. He's around here somewhere." I told her. She rushed out to find him while I looked after my daughter.

"Nova the knife wound is in her abdomen, there's no way of knowing if it hit one of her important organs." Siddiq told me. My heart broke hearing that as I looked at my baby girl. "We're going to have to be careful when removing it."

"Please, we have to save my little girl." I begged him. He nodded as he rubbed my back soothingly. The door suddenly burst open and in came a frantic Negan. He rushed to Bella's side and held her small hand in his large one.

"Judith told me what happened. Can we save her?" He asked, his eyes becoming red and watery. I pulled him into a tight hug and felt him squeeze me tightly in his arms. "I can't lose her," he mumbled sadly.

"I know me either." I let out. Soon Siddiq and I got to work on saving her while Negan stood there making sure everything goes okay. If anything were to happen to her I'm not sure what we'd do. It took hours but finally we were able to remove the knife and save her life. It didn't damage any major organs and she's going to be okay.

Once telling this to Negan he let out a breath of relief and pulled me into a tight hug. After we pulled away he sat next to her and stared at her small face. "I love you so much, baby. I'm so sorry this happened to you." He whispered to her. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me,
pulling me closer to him.

"I'm so happy she's okay," I cried out. He placed a kiss on my head and nodded.

"Me too." He agreed. From now on we're never letting her train without one of us present. It'd kill us both if something happened to her. She's our baby and we'd do anything for her.

"I love her Nova and I never thought I could love someone so much in my life. But I'd die for her." He told me.

"I understand. I love her too. She's my whole world." I smiled softly.

"I love you Nova and thank you so much for giving me her." He smiled at me.

" I love you too, Negan." I said before kissing him. Nothing else in the world matters to me right now other than my family and the safety of my daughter.

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