Chapter 4

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Michonne rightfully was pissed when she heard the news of Judith visiting Negan in the prison. To be quite frank she was furious. I watched as she told Judith to never speak with him ever again. Later the two of us sat in the living room talking and Michonne told me about her trip to the Kingdom. Apparently Carol found Daryl and he's staying at the Kingdom for the meantime.

I'm so happy he is back because we really missed him. Dinner time rolled around and I offered to bring Negan's dinner. I'm bringing him some medicine as well. Hopefully today was the last day he needed it because he seems to be feeling better. Usually only Michonne and I bring him his food because we felt he's too dangerous to be around anyone else.

When I entered the prison I found him laying there just staring up at the ceiling. "Here's dinner," I told him as I placed the plate onto the floor and slid it under the cell. He didn't bother to look at me or say a word. I know he's still mad at me from earlier and to be honest I'm upset with myself too. I decided to listen to Judith and give him a chance.

I'm only doing this for her though. "We need to talk," I started but he stayed silent and so I continued. "I want to apologize for earlier, for the way I acted. I want to believe you've changed and that your better than who you were before."

He slowly turned his head to look at me and stared into my eyes. It felt awkward until he sat up and took in a breath. "The kid talked to you didn't she?" He asked. I nodded my head yes and he sighed. "I would never hurt her." He told me and I believed that. He stood to his feet and approached me, wrapping his hands around the metal bars.

"I should go now, eat your dinner." I told him. He looked down at the plate then back up at me with a small smile dancing on his lips. Without another word having to be said I left and made my way back home where I poured me a drink and chugged it. The glass didn't seem to be enough so I grabbed the bottle and drank that as well.

I'm not sure what it is but he's got some sort of affect on me. Just the way he looks at me, the way he talks to me makes my heart pound in my chest. What is he doing to me? Am I actually starting to like Negan? The thought made my head spin so I took another long drink from my bottle of whisky.

That night I ended up getting drunk. So drunk that I woke up the next morning in my bed with a massive headache. A groan left my lips as the sudden urge to vomit hit me. I rushed to the bathroom and puked my brains out. When finished I took a quick shower then brushed my teeth to rid of the nasty smell.

After getting ready I stared at myself in the mirror and saw how tired my eyes look. A loud knock suddenly hit my door causing me to jump and roll my eyes as I went to answer it. "Meeting in the church, right now." Gabriel told me after answering the door. I nodded and grabbed my jacket before heading over to the church where everyone waited.

"What's this about?" I asked Michonne. She pointed to Negan who is tied up to a pole in the back of the room, away from everyone. My eyes widened wondering what he could have done that's so much worse than before. Before I could ask Eugene answered my question.

"We're here to talk about the punishment for Negan," he started. "He was found in the streets last night, out of his cell. Someone let him out and when we find who did this we will issue them a punishment as well."

My mind felt like it was running on overdrive and the headache only made the pain worse. Who would have even had the key to let him out and who would have wanted to go near him? The question rattled around in my brain. "I say we kill him!" Someone in the back shouted.

"Okay enough! Everyone just stop! Let me talk to him." I yelled, finally hearing enough of this crap. I walked over to Negan and freed his hands before taking him back to his cell, all while Michonne gave me a disapproving look.

"If they knew you were the one who let me out their heads would be reeling." He laughed and I stopped right in my tracks. I looked at him with wide eyes before continuing our walk. Once he was back in his cell I paced the room back and forth. "Your giving me anxiety," he said, referring to all the pacing I'm doing.

I stopped and walked over to his cell with a look of confusion. "What do you mean I let you out?" I asked confused.

"You don't remember?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I shook my head no so he continued. "You did seem drunk off your ass last night. Yeah you came here late last night telling me how sorry you were," he said and I frowned knowing exactly what he's talking about.

"You had opened my door here and I knew you were pretty messed up so I offered to take you home. After that I headed back to my cell but Aaron caught me on the street and well here we are." He explained to me. My heart pounded in my chest at the thought and I knew what I had to do.

"Negan I can't let you get in trouble for this. I'm gonna tell Michonne and hope for the best." I told him. He shook his head no and stepped closer to me. Even though he's locked up behind bars my breath hitched in my throat from how close he stood to me.

"No need for that. They'll find an excuse to kill me. These sons of bitches have been waiting for the day." He told as he looked at me. I've never in my life seen him worried before and even though he could die he still doesn't seem worried. Is he really that brave or just trying to cover it up?

"I'm not going to let them kill you, I promise." I assured him before leaving to find Michonne and the other members of the council.

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