Chapter 17

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Negan Pov

Ever since that fight with Nova earlier today it's all my mind could go to. It's frustrating being locked in here without any way to speak with her. A frustrated sigh left my mouth until the door opened and I looked to find Carol standing in front of the cell bars. She stared me in the eyes, neither of us saying a word.

"I need a favor from you," she finally spoke. I smirked and stepped closer to where she stood.

"Bold of you to assume I'd be doing any favors-" I started but she stopped me right there.

"I want you to kill Alpha," she let out and I raised an eyebrow. She started explaining to me who this person is and that if I do this then she'd make sure people would see me as the hero. That I could be trusted. Not gonna lie, I did ponder over that thought for a while until smiling at her.

"You've got yourself a deal."

Hours passed since she let me out and I'm still wandering these woods. She told me some places where I'd find Alpha and her team of skin walkers. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth seeing one of the places she told me about. I'm not much further now. Before I could take another step I heard the crunching of twigs from behind me.

Slowly turning around I saw a tall creepy ass dude looking at me. "You are scary as shit." I stated. He didn't seemed fazed. Just looked at me as if I'm his fucking dinner tonight. Hell I might be. "State your name," his low voice demanded.

"I'm Negan and I'm looking for Alpha. From the looks of your uh...face, I can tell your apart of her group." I held my hands up in surrender. He suddenly grabbed two giant ass machetes and started to kill me but stopped when a voice yelled at him. We both turned to see who I'm assuming is Alpha. She's creepy as shit too.

"What do you want?" She asked me. She stepped close to me, too close for comfort. I smirked at her.

"To become apart of whatever this is," I motioned to her mask that's made from a dead walker. "I currently just escaped from prison. A prison your enemy has locked me in might I add and I've got information that I'd think you'd like."

She and the scary dude shared glances then looked back to me. All she did was wave her dirty hand in the air before he knocked me out and that's all I remembered. When my eyes opened I saw I'm still in the woods but this time surrounded by her people. "Look who's awake," a girl grinned as she came closer to me. Her face is inches from mine as her big crazy eyes look into mine.

"Step away!" Alpha demanded and the girl did. She bent down to my level and looked at me. She's not wearing her mask this time so I can really see what she looks like. "Tell me where they're keeping my daughter." She glared. Carol did fill me in on everything so I know exactly who Lydia is.

"The Hilltop, it's a community I can take you to." I smiled. She then went over to who I'm assuming is beta and whispered something to him. Soon he grabbed me from the ground by my arm and lead me off. "I'm starting to enjoy our time together," I sarcastically smiled at him. He ignored me and kept walking. We stopped in front of two dead walkers causing me to frown.

"Here," he handed me a small pocket knife.

"Why do I feel like something kinky is about to happen? Is that your thing, dead guys? I won't judge." I laughed at myself but he shoved me to the ground having enough. He knelt down beside me and explained that I need to skin their face. He wants me to make a mask for myself. I watched him do it first and almost felt like throwing up. These people are fucking crazy. But part of me likes it.

Next I tried and if I say so, didn't do too bad. Next thing I know Alpha herself is putting the mask onto my head. She then leaned in, her lips dangerously close to my ear. "Now prove yourself worthy of joining us." She whispered. I smiled and began leading the way to Hilltop.

Soon we were standing outside the gates as she demanded her daughter be brought to her. Suddenly three people came emerging from the small community and my eyes widened seeing one of those people being Nova. "Bring me my daughter and we will not harm your people!" Alpha yelled.

My eyes wouldn't leave the girl I've grown fond of. Her face turned into a cold glare. "Fuck you!" She yelled. It made me smirk hearing her say that. That's my girl. The yelling went on until Jesus stopped it and Tara went to grab the young girl. Soon Lydia returned and just before Tara started to hand her over Nova grabbed Lydia by the arm and stopped her.

"We'll give you the girl for information!" Nova said. I raised an eyebrow.

"Name it." Alpha smiled.

"Have you seen a man named Negan?" She asked. Honestly I wanted to go over to her and hug her but I knew that I can't. I've got to stick to what Carol asked of me and maybe then Nova will forgive me. I'm not sure what it is about her but I haven't cared about anyone like this since my wife passed. Nova is the first.

"I can't say that we have but we will keep an eye out," she assured my girl. Nova gave a disappointed look before letting go of Lydia. As soon as the girl got into her mothers arms they pulled away. Alpha stared at her daughter for a moment then out of no where slapped her across the face. It even caused me to jump a little. That was definitely uncalled for. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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