Chapter 22

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This morning after waking up and getting ready I left to see Judith and Rj. They were at home where Michonne knew they'd be safest. We hugged upon seeing each other and I asked them how they're doing with everything that happened. "Aunt Nova, I'm scared." Rj said. That broke my heart to hear and I pulled him into an assuring hug.

"Everything is going to be okay," I promised while pulling away to look him in the eyes. "I would never let anything happen to you or your sister."

He smiled and nodded his head yes. After seeing them I left to help Daryl and Gabriel rebuild the church. Other than the fight we just had yesterday things might be starting to look up. I'm really hoping they are. Not to mention Negan and I are on good terms now. Upon arriving at the church I found Daryl piling up burnt pieces of wood.

"Those don't look like they could be salvaged," I stated while heading over to him. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with his arm then looked at me.

"I know that's why we're throwing those out and sending out a team to search for others." He said.

"I'll go if you don't mind and I'll have Aaron, Carol, and Ezekiel come along." I told him and he liked the idea. Once gathering my team of four, including myself, we set out in search of wood or other things that we need to complete this job. As we rode the horses into a small abandoned town we hear a scream come from a torn down gas station.

The four of us shared worried glances before hearing the scream again. "We should keep going," Carol stated.

"No, we have to see if she needs help," I protested.

"I agree with Nova on this one," Aaron added while stepping down off his horse. The four of us hitched up the horses then carefully made our way into the gas station. Half of it is torn down and the other half is somewhat intact. I'm just hoping it doesn't collapse on us and kill us all.

"Someone please help!" The woman screamed and I heard the moans of maybe three or four walkers.

"Nova you and Aaron take them from that way and Carol and I will go this way." Ezekiel told me and I nodded. Aaron and I snuck up behind two walkers and killed them both then watched as Carol and Ezekiel finished off the other two. My heart sank seeing the woman laying on the ground as a huge piece of metal crushes her body.

"There's no way we're going to be able to lift this." Aaron said. I nodded agreeing with him. We have to do something because it would make me feel guilty leaving her here like this. Just as Carol started to say something she stopped at the sound of someone cocking their gun. My head snapped up to see two men wearing masks standing behind her and Ezekiel.

I could feel the presence of more of them behind Aaron and I. Suddenly the woman started laughing and pushed the metal off her as if it weighted nothing. She stood and went over to the man behind Carol. He took his mask off and kissed her softly. I rolled my eyes annoyed. They were fucking playing us this whole time and I'm stupid for believing otherwise.

"Give us all your weapons now." The man behind Carol said as he wrapped his arm around the woman's waist.

"No!" I glared. He smirked and I felt a gun being held to the back of my head. My eyes closed briefly before I opened them and stared at the man. "Listen this is all we have, it's just the four of us." I lied, hoping they'd believe us. Unfortunately they didn't give a crap about anything I said.

"Take her." The man said and I felt arms wrap around me. I screamed as someone covered my mouth and pulled me away from my friends. "If we can't have your weapons we'll just have to take something better. I'm sure our friend Derek would get a kick out of her." The guy grinned.

"Please give her back," Aaron begged. "You don't have to do this."

"We'll give you the weapons as long as you give her back, please." Ezekiel told the men. The guy behind Carol stepped over to Ezekiel and smirked devilishly. "It's too late for that." He said. Suddenly I was being thrown into the back of a truck and driven away from everything I know. They had blindfolded me so I'm not sure where I'm going.

Maybe about an hour or so later they were jerking me around before finally taking off my blindfold. I looked around seeing I'm in some worn out room where the walls are dripping wet with god knows what. The concrete floor is chipped and falling apart. There's one single light above my head as I'm tied to an old looking wooden chair.

The door to the room opened and a man walked in smiling at me. He has short black hair that's slicked back. He's wearing a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and some black skinny jeans. He's quite attractive but not someone I'd ever be into. Also he isn't anything compared to Negan. He does got a pretty smile though, I'll give him that.

"I'm Derek and you must be that sexy new toy Alex brought me." He grinned while coming over to me. He bent down to my level and rested his hands on the arms of the chair I'm tied to. His face is inches from mine as he stares into my eyes.

"What do you people want?" I asked, my voice coming out quiet and weak. He smirked as his hand caressed my cheek. It made me squeeze my eyes shut and look away. "Please." I begged.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" He asked. I gulped nervously and looked at him. Everything inside me is screaming run even though I can't.

"Nova." I glared.

"Well Nova, you and I are going to have a lot of fun." He smirked.

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