Chapter 8

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Today the council decided that Negan and I would best be suited working out in the field. He's on laundry duty while I'm working in the garden picking vegetables. It's not the best thing in the world but also not the worst. He's only ten feet away from me so every now and then we share glances. Today Daryl is the guard watching over us.

He makes sure that we're not misbehaving like stealing and whatnot. Daryl also trusts me no matter what so most of his attention is focused on Negan. The two of them still can't stand each other. Although I think Daryl hates Negan way more than he can imagine. The sun is beating down on me and I'm sure to have a sun burn on my shoulders after this.

I'm wearing a tank top paired with some old jeans and combat boots. It's really hot out today and sweat is dripping off me like water. My mouth started going dry as I put the last tomato into the basket. I'm dehydrated and really could use some water right now. Deciding to risk hearing a no I went to ask Daryl for some.

"Hey it's really hot out and I need some water." I told him.

"I would give you some you know that but you'll have to wait a few hours for lunch." He told me. Slight anger bubbled through me at that as I got back to work. About maybe half an hour passed when I started feeling lightheaded. The last ounce of water I had was early this morning.

"You okay?" Negan asks as he helped me pick some of the growing peppers. Before any words could leave my mouth darkness completely consumed me.

My eyes opened slowly but due to the bright light they closed again. Once I finally opened my eyes and looked around I realized I'm in the infirmary. Siddiq looked at me when he noticed that I'd woken up. A small smile appeared on his face as he approached me and took a seat on the chair next to my bed.

"Careful Nova, you passed out due to dehydration. Your okay now but here is some water and crackers to get you back on your feet." He said while handing me a bottle of water. After thanking him I almost downed the whole thing, feeling happy to hydrate again. "You're lucky Negan was with you otherwise..." he stopped when he saw the frown on my face.

"Wait, who brought me here?" I asked.

"Negan, of course he's back in the prison." Siddiq said while standing and going over to his desk where he situated some papers. Not feeling well suddenly I laid back down and sighed. Right after this they're going to put me back in there too. I'm going to have to thank Negan for what he did. "I'm ready to go back to the prison." I groaned while sitting up.

"That's not a good id-" he started but stopped when I cut him off.

"Take me back now."

Nodding his head he lead me back and told me to keep the water and crackers just incase. When I walked in Negan's eyes lit up instantly. He rushed to the cell bars and gripped them tightly in his hands. "They wouldn't tell me how you were. Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. A small smile formed on my face and I nodded my head yes.

Once Siddiq left I looked at Negan and let that small smile reappear on my face. "Thank you so much for bringing me to the infirmary."

"Of course, I wouldn't let anything happen to you." He smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes and out of no where pulled him into a hug. He seemed very surprised by this gesture but wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. It actually felt really good being wrapped up in his strong arms. Negan can be nice when he wants to be. I like this side of him.

After pulling away I sat on the bed and took another drink of water. "That reminds me," he smiled while grabbing a water bottle off the small bookshelf Michonne put in here. "They brought your lunch but I saved you this," he handed it to me and I thanked him again. He's being Offaly kind to me and it's totally out of character for him.

I'm definitely not going to question it and instead go along with it. He sat next to me, his head resting against the wall behind us. When I finished one of the water bottles I set it down next to the bed and sighed. "I wanna go home," I let out, a sudden wave of sadness hitting me like a ton of bricks. It was silent, him not saying a word so I continued.

"It sucks dick being in here," he chuckled at that and nodded his head. "How have you done it all these years?" I asked looking over at him. He stared at the metal bars in front of him and shrugged his shoulders.

"I just did. Rick kind of reminded me that there wasn't much for me to live for anymore. My whole world went to shit and I have nothing." He admitted. Hearing that made me feel bad for him. I rested my head on his shoulder and stared at the bars as well.

"That's not true," I assured him. "I'd say we're friends and I'd hate it if something happened to you." I smiled. Instead of saying anything he tangled his fingers in mine and held my hand in his. It felt good just to sit and take a moment for a while. In my crazy opinion Negan isn't a bad guy once you get to know him a little bit.

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