Chapter 41: Forever and Always

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        Eponine was losing grasp of reality. Her feverish mind made her vision blur and her head spin. In her haze, images of Azelma and Enjolras flashed before her eyes, and her heart weighed down with guilt over their tragic deaths. The line between reality and hallucinations faded as the visions filled her head, befuddling her senses. She wasn't even sure if Cosette's visit had been real, or just another hazy dream. The only she she was acutely aware of, the one thing she knew for sure was real, was Gavroche's warm little body, curled up asleep by her side. She used her good hand to lovingly stroke her brother's soft brown hair. She tried to stay awake, to savor every sensation. She had an ominous feeling that if she fell asleep, she would never wake up again.

        The bedroom door opened, and Marius walked into the room. His mere presence seemed to fill her world with light, bringing her back to reality. He gave her a small smile and sat down on the edge of the bed.

        "How are you?" he asked, gently stroking her cheek with the back of his hand.

        "I'm alive," she replied, relishing the feeling of his hand against her face. "Marius, you know you don't have to do this. You're not obligated to take care of me. I can take care of myself."

        "Ponine, accepting help doesn't make you weak. It makes you human. You don't have to do everything on your own." Marius paused and cleared his throat, looking very nervous. "Hey, Ponine? I've been meaning to talk to you about something rather important. Do you remember what you said to me at the barricade? You told me that you were... in love with me."

        "Marius, don't worry about that," Eponine said quickly. "I know your future is with Cosette, and I respect that." Her heart ached the minute the words escaped her mouth.

        "No, Eponine," Marius said, shaking his head. "Cosette and I have both agreed that our relationship was not real. What we had was not love. It was just a silly fantasy that we made up in our heads."

        The news both surprised and pleased Eponine. However, despair filled her heart again when she reminded herself that, although Marius was no longer in a relationship, he would never see her as anything but a friend.

        "Ponine?" Marius said. "What you told me at the barricades... is it still true?"

        "What, that I'm desperately in love with you?" Eponine asked, turning her face away so that she didn't have to look him in the eyes. "Yes, Marius, of course. It's always been true, and it will forever remain true." She felt tears spring in her eyes as she imagined the feelings of repulsion Marius must have been experiencing at this moment. He could never love a filthy street rat like her, she realized that now. From the day she was born, she had been doomed to be on her own, and she was doomed to be on her own until the day she died.

        "Ponine," she heard his voice say. "I love you too."

        Her first reaction was complete disbelief. This couldn't possibly be real. It had to be a fever-induced hallucination, or perhaps she had just misheard him. All her life, nothing good had ever happened to her. She had learned that when something seemed too good to be true, that usually meant it wasn't true.

        "I don't believe you," she said. "This is either a dream, or you're just saying it out of pity for a dying girl." She couldn't keep the bitterness out of her tone. "Marius Pontmercy will never love me," she said out loud, more to herself than to him.

        "Ponine," he said, gently touching her cheek and turning her face so that she was staring directly into his eyes. His expression seemed so sincere that she was almost tempted to believe him. "I love you," he declared. If only I could believe that, she thought.

        She looked into his deep blue eyes, her heart melting away like it always did under his steady gaze. She tried to tell herself not to get her hopes up, but she was lost in the ocean of his eyes. Like a moth to a flame, his face drew closer to hers. Is this really happening? Those eyes sucked her in like a whirlpool.

        And then it happened. Marius Pontmercy kissed Eponine Thenardier.

        An unbiased onlooker would have looked upon this scene and seen it as a normal, typical kiss. There was nothing special about it, just a little kiss, but to Eponine, it was like the morning sun had flooded her dark, cold, lonely world with warmth and light. Her pain and suffering all faded away, and her senses re-awakened. This was real. She could feel it in her heart. This was no dream nor lie. With this kiss, she could sense his every emotion, she could feel his love pouring into her heart. Marius kissed her gently, but with passion. Their lips fit together perfectly, as if they were made for each other. When they finally broke apart, their eyes stayed locked together, smiles on both of their faces.

        "It's really true, then? Eponine asked. "You love me?"

        "Forever and always," Marius said, running his fingers tenderly through her hair.

        Eponine's smile widened. "Then, Monsieur, you must promise me something."

        "Anything," Marius said earnestly.

        "Please take care of Gavroche for me once I'm gone," she requested, lovingly touching the hand of her sleeping brother.

        Marius' smile faded away. "No, Ponine, you musn't talk that way. You will live, and we shall spend the rest of our days together."

        "Promise me, Marius!" Eponine begged. She could already feel herself slipping away.

        "All right, I promise," Marius said. "But you cannot leave me, Ponine. Please don't leave me on my own."

        "You won't be on your own," she promised. "I will never leave you. I will remain in your heart for the rest of your days. My love will stay with you  forever and always."

        "Please, Ponine..." Marius said weakly. Suddenly, Eponine's body racked with coughs. Blood came out of her lungs and splattered on the bedsheets. Marius wiped her mouth gently with a handkerchief and held her until the coughing passed. When it did pass, Eponine felt even weaker than she had before. She had very little time left, but she was at peace.

        "I love you, Marius," she said. This time, it was she who initiated the kiss. With her last ounce of strength, she lifted her face to his and pressed her lips against his. Her heart soared and seemed to beat with the same rhythm as his. This, she knew, was pure bliss, pure happiness, pure love.

        As she closed her eyes for the last time, her lips still lingering against those of her beloved, a look a peace and joy remained etched across her face. For the first and last time in her short life, she was completely happy.

        (Author's Note: Wow, I can't believe this story is almost done! The epilogue will be up very soon! Thank you to all my readers, especially those who vote and/ or comment!)


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