Chapter 27: The Barricade

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        Eponine stood in the midst of a huge group of students. None of them paid her any attention. To them, she was just another boy willing to die for a better France. She caught a glimpse of Marius through the crowd. Despite everything that had happened between them, the sight of him still made her heart flutter.

        General Lemarque's funeral procession slowly marched by. Everyone bowed their heads respectfully. A few people shot annoyed glares at Eponine for not removing her cap, but of course she could not do so or else her disguise would be ruined. Then Enjolras, whose red vest stood out among the crowd, stepped forward as planned. The sight of him made Eponine's heart ache as she remembered their desperate kiss.

        "Do you hear the people sing?" Enjolras began. "Singing the song of angry men. It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again."

        Gradually, the entire crowd joined in the song. The music grew louder and angrier, and then mass chaos ensued.

        The sounds of yelling and gunshots filled the air. Enjolras and Marius both climbed on the top of a horse-drawn carriage, singing loudly. Eponine prayed that they would be careful. She did not take her eyes off of Marius for a moment. Suddenly, someone ran into her, knocking her to the ground. The stampeding crowd nearly trampled her. She quickly hopped back to her feet. For a brief moment, she lost sight of Marius. Her heart pounded as she scanned the crowd. Finally, her eyes landed on him, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Then, BANG! In the confusion, a soldier of the National Guard had fired into the crowd and hit an innocent old lady. The first death. "Murderer!" someone screamed. The crowd roared angrily.

        Enjolras raised his gun high above his head. "TO THE BARRICADES!" he yelled in a booming voice. Eponine couldn't help but admire his courage. She caught herself staring at him, then shook her head and ran after Marius as Les Amis made their way to the barricade. Marius looked so handsome with his dark curly hair blowing in the wind. "Throw down any furniture you have!" he cried out. Chairs, tables, even a piano came tumbling out of the windows. Eponine looked up and saw a large wooden table falling from a tall building, right over Marius' head. "Marius!" she screamed, and shoved him out of the way. The two of them fell to the ground. The table crashed down only a foot away from them.

        "Thank you," Marius said without looking at her. He stood up again and kept running. He had not recognized her.

        In what seemed like seconds, the barricade was built. Enjolras climbed on top of the huge pile of furniture, a red flag raised above his head. "VIVE LE FRANCE!" he yelled. "FOR PATRIA!" Eponine stared at him with admiration. He, too, looked handsome as the wind ruffled his hair.

        Eponine looked around until her eyes landed on Gavroche. He was standing close to Courfeyrac, cheering along with the rest of Les Amis. Eponine smiled, relieved that her brother was still alive.

        Finally, the cheers died down and Enjolras climbed down from the barricade. His grey eyes burned with an angry fire, the fire of revolution. Then, those eyes fell upon her. Recognition showed on his face. "Eponine?" he said in disbelief.

        "Hullo, Enjolras," Eponine said.

        "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Are you... You aren't here because of me, are you?" His expression was hopeful.

        Eponine took his hands in hers. "Enj, I'm... I'm so sorry, but..."

        Enjolras' eyes wandered over to Marius. He looked sad. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

        Eponine looked down at her feet. "Yes," she admitted. "I've always loved him, but that doesn't mean I don't care for you. In fact, I... I think I may love you. I just don't know.'

        "It's either him or me," Enjolras said. "Either you choose to love a boy who has ignored you all your life, or you choose to love a man who has never stopped thinking about you ever since the moment he first laid eyes on you."

        "I wish it were that simple," Eponine said, "But I can't just choose between the two of you in seconds. Please understand that this is very difficult for me."

        Enjolras sighed. "You're right," he said. "I realize that this is a hard choice to make. Take as long as you need to decide. Whatever-- whomever-- you choose, I will not hold it against you. For now, though, I should focus on this revolution, on Patria. It was foolish of me to get caught up in romance during a time like this. The revolutionaries need a strong leader, not a lovesick puppy. But, Eponine, when this whole thing is over, if you decide to return my feelings,  I'll always be here for you."

        "Thank you, Enj," Eponine said with a grateful smile. "But we can still be friends though, right?"

        "No matter what!" Enjolras replied in earnest. "Forever and always!" At these words tears sprung to Eponine's eyes. "What's wrong?" Enjolras said in alarm.

        "Nothing," said Eponine, wiping her eyes. "It's just... That means a lot to me. Thank you, Enjolras."

        She gave him a warm hug and kissed his cheek gently.

        (Author's Note: Hi everyone! Thanks so much for all your support! Check out my new EponinexGrantaire oneshot, "Not Alone Anymore.")

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