Chapter 23: Inside the Cafe

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        The next day, Eponine roamed the crowded streets, her heart aching. She had just told Marius of Cosette's father's decision to move away. The sadness he had expressed when he heard the news broke her heart even more than his endless rantings about Cosette had. She could not understand why he cared about her so much. He barely even knew Cosette, and yet he loved her with all his heart. Eponine, on the other hand, had unwaveringly stood by his side for four long years, and yet Marius had never even spared her a second glance. Worse, the revolution was to begin tomorrow. What was she to do if Marius or Gavroche died in this fight?

        Eponine roamed into a little alley and sat down, her back against the wall. She placed her head in her hands. Her stomach rumbled. She hadn't had much to eat the past couple days. She closed her eyes, trying to keep her mind off of the pangs of hunger that hit her stomach and the aching in her heart.

        "Hello, Mademoiselle," a voice said. Eponine looked up to see Enjolras standing in front of her, bowing his head politely. Eponine had to admit that he looked rather handsome in his red vest. "You look distressed, Eponine," he remarked. "Is there anything wrong?"

        Eponine shrugged her shoulders. "It's nothing, just... People can be so oblivious sometimes."

        Enjolras nodded. "I know what you mean," he said. "Say, would you like to have lunch with me?"

        "Oh, Monsieur, I  couldn't-- I don't have enough money for food--"

        "Don't worry," Enjolras interrupted. "I have something already. And you can't say no because I already bought it and it's not enough for one person to eat."

        Eponine smiled. "All right, Monsieur. I suppose I cannot refuse."

        Enjolras offered her his hand. "Come on, let's go into the cafe."

        Eponine allowed him to escort her into the Abaisses Cafe. She hoped that spending time with Enjolras would help her get her mind off of Marius. "Close your eyes," Enjolras told her. "It's a surprise." Eponine obeyed, giggling as she anticipated the surprise he had in store for her.

        "All right, you can open them."

        Eponine opened her eyes, and her jaw dropped. In front of her was a table filled with food. Fresh bread, cheese, meats, wine, pastries... Her mouth watered. The smell was intoxicating. She took a step forward, mesmerized by the food.

        "Enjolras," she said softly. "You did all this for me?"

        "Well, yes," Enjolras said sheepishly. "I've noticed you have been feeling down lately, so I thought I might try to cheer you up."

        Eponine had never felt more touched. "Thank you."

        "It's nothing," Enjolras said. "Just a pre-revolution celebration."

        Eponine smiled. "Then let's celebrate!"

        The two of them sat down at the table. Eponine did not hesitate before she dug in. She ate ravenously. The food was delicious. It reminded her of the meals she had eaten with Marius when she was still staying at his house. Don't think of Marius, she told herself sternly. She took a bite of warm, fresh bread and sighed with pleasure.

        "Whah oo ay cah oo mahba mah?" she said through a mouthful of food.

        Enjolras chuckled. "What?"

        Eponine swallowed hard and repeated her question. "Why do they call you marble man? The other students, I mean."

        Enjolras frowned, his expression serious. "Because... Well, if you must know, it's because I told them I could never love a woman as much as I love Patria."


        "It's Latin for fatherland."

        "Oh," Eponine said.

        "But," Enjolras added quickly, "Maybe that's just because I haven't found the right sort of woman yet."

        "And what is the right sort of woman?"

        "Well," Enjolras said, "Every girl I've ever met has been so... delicate, you know? I want a girl with spunk. A girl who knows how to fight."

        Eponine nodded. "I see," she said. "You need a girl who is strong, who can match your fire."

        Enjolras looked at her, his eyes burning with a fiery passion. "Exactly," he said. "You know, Eponine, I think you and I understand each other very well."

        Eponine smiled. "I suppose we do."

        "I don't know if I've ever told you this before, but I've always admired your courage."

        Eponine was taken aback. She was not used to being complimented. "Why, thank you, Monsieur."

        "Please just call me Enjolras."

        "Thank you, Enjolras," she said. For some reason, her face felt warm. She suddenly realized how close together the two of them were sitting. She stared into his stormy eyes, her body frozen. And then Enjolras leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers.

        At first, Eponine did not kiss him back. She simply sat, her body frozen in shock, as his lips brushed hers. Her first thought was, What will Marius think?

        Nothing, a cold voice in her head replied. Marius does not love you. He doesn't care.

        Eponine wanted to pull away, to save her kisses for Marius, but part of her, an angry, rebellious part of her, was enjoying this kiss. Part of her did not want this kiss to ever end. After all, she had longed for a kiss for such a long time...

        Slowly, Eponine found herself kissing Enjolras back, softly at first, and then more urgently. She felt a desperate hunger inside her heart. She pulled him closer and kissed him harder. The kiss felt broken and unconnected, as if something vital was missing. Enjolras put his calloused hand on the nape of her neck. The cap that Marius had given her so long ago fell off her head to the floor. She closed her eyes, trying to pretend it was Marius kissing her, not Enjolras. But a kiss from Marius would be so much sweeter, and not so desperate... Still, despite the fact that she continued to long for Marius, she realized that part of her was beginning to care for the Marble Man. She wrapped her arms around his waste and kissed him more hungrily...

        "Enjolras?!" a surprised voice yelped.

        The two of them broke apart. Eponine noticed that Enjolras' face was almost as red as his vest. Then, she looked up and saw the person who had just entered the room. Her heart sank.

        "Eponine?" Marius said, even more shocked. He had a strange look in his eyes, as if he had been hurt by what he had just witnessed. 

        "But... you... how... why... What is going on?" Marius sputtered. He looked back and forth between Eponine and Enjolras, as if expecting the two of them to burst out laughing and announce that it was just a joke. Neither of them said a word.

        Finally, Marius turned to Enjolras, a murderous look in his eyes. "Get away from her," he said in a low voice.

        Eponine had never thought Enjolras would ever take orders from anyone, but Marius' glare was so angry and terrifying that Enjolras stood up and backed away.

        Marius turned to Eponine. The angry look in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by a look of pain.

        "Eponine," he said, "May I please speak to you outside? Alone?"

        Eponine bent down to pick her cap off the ground, and then allowed Marius to lead her out of the Abaisses Cafe.

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