Chapter 19: A Pink Petticoat

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        It did not take long for Eponine to find Cosette's house. She lived at number 55 Rue Plumet, a fancy white home with a beautiful garden and a high, iron gate.

        "She's done well for herself," Eponine muttered. She couldn't help but feel bitter jealousy towards Cosette. She closed her eyes, letting the memories of her childhood swirl in her mind...

        A pink petticoat with shiny ribbons and white buttons. That is what Fantine sent her daughter when the Thenardiers demanded ten francs to clothe Cosette. Disgusted, the Thenardiers threw the petticoat to Eponine. It was the money they had wanted, not the clothes.

        Eponine tried on the petticoat. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, but it felt so wrong on her body. She knew Fantine had probably worked day and night in order to earn enough money to buy it. It was meant for Cosette, not her. Eponine sighed and took it off.

        "I cannot believe I am doing this," she muttered.

        Eponine walked over to the filthy pile of rags where Cosette slept. Cosette's sparkling green eyes gazed up at her like a cat. The little girl shivered, wrapping her thin rags around her, desperate for warmth.

        "Hello, Eppy," Cosette said.

        "Don't call me that," Eponine snapped.

        "Sorry, Eponine," Cosette said, looking down.

        "This is for you, Lark," Eponine said, tossing her the petticoat.

        Cosette's eyes widened. It was clear that she had never seen anything so beautiful. "What's this?" Cosette said in wonder.

        "A petticoat," Eponine replied shortly. "From your mother."

        "My mother?" Cosette said. A joyful smile spread across her face. "So she hasn't forgotten about me after all!"

        Although Eponine would never admit it, she felt a twinge of pity for the girl. "Just don't let my parents know you have it," Eponine warned. "They'll punish you for sure. They may even punish me for giving it to you."

        Cosette looked up at Eponine. "Thank you," she said softy.

        "Don't thank me," Eponine said quickly. "I did not do this for you. I just... I don't like the color pink."

        "If you say so," Cosette said with a knowing smile.


          The next day, Eponine went to the Abaisses Cafe in order to tell Marius that she had found Cosette's address. She shivered as she walked down the streets in her bare feet and now slightly tattered purple dress. Nowadays, she would do anything for a petticoat. She felt an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach, but it wasn't from hunger. She couldn't bear the fact the Marius had taken a liking to Cosette. She could not believe she was actually helping him meet up with her. But the look in his beautiful blue eyes when Marius had begged Eponine to help him... It was something she could never resist.

           Eponine pushed open the door to the cafe. Her eyes scanned the room of students, looking for Marius. A man in a red vest came up to her. 

         "Hello, Eponine," Enjolras said.    

      "Hey, Enj," Eponine said, giving him a half-hearted smile, her mind still on Marius.     

     "I hear Marius has found himself a lady," Enjolras said, chuckling a little.       

     Eponine grit her teeth at the painful reminder. "Perhaps," she said simply.        

    "Are you all right?" Enjolras asked, looking concerned. "You look sad."      

     "I'm fine," Eponine replied.      

     "Do you want to go eat lunch together or take a walk later today?"     

      "Thanks for the offer, but I have to find Marius," Eponine said.      

     "Oh." Enjolras looked a bit let down. "He's over there."           

     Eponine walked over to Marius. "Hello," she said with a sad smile.      

     "Did you find her?" Marius asked eagerly.    

       "Yes," said Eponine.      

     Marius practically jumped for joy. A grin lit up his face. Although it killed her that he was in love with someone else, Eponine was glad to see him so happy. "Come on, Ponine," Marius said, taking her hand. Her fingers tingled at his touch. "Let's go meet my beloved."


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