Chapter 22: Madame Cosette Pontmercy

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        Marius was in love. It was a wonderful feeling, something he had never experienced before. He felt giddy and light-headed, and he could not keep the grin off his face. The sweet taste of Cosette's lips lingered on his.

        "Cosette," he said with a smile. What a wondeful name she had! "Madame Cosette Pontmercy." He stopped in his tracks. Madame Cosette Pontmercy. The name had a beautiful ring to it. Marius smiled again.

        "'Ello, Marius," a tiny voice greeted him. "You look jolly tonight."

        Marius looked down to see little Gavroche staring up at him. "Hello, 'Vroche. How are you this fine evening?"

        "I'm all right, I s'pose. I got into a fight with my sister the other day, though. She thinks I'm too little to join the revolution!" He crossed his arms over his chest angrily.

        "Your sister is only trying to protect you," Marius told him. "You could die if you fight at the barricade. Eponine already lost Azelma. She doesn't want to lose you as well."

        "I'm well aware of the risks and I'm prepared to fight!" Gavroche said stubbornly.

        Marius felt the sudden urge to defend Eponine. "I know that, and Ponine knows that too, but no one wants to see you get hurt. Please, if you insist on fighting, just stay out of the way and try not to get shot. Stay with Courfeyrac or one of the others. Be safe for Eponine's sake, okay?"

        "Fine," Gavroche relented.

        "Good boy," Marius said, ruffling the child's hair. "Now run along."

        Marius watched as his best friend's brother disappeared into the night. He made his way down the street, his mind wandering back to Cosette. He felt elated and joyful. He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he did not even see Enjolras and Grantaire as he passed by them on the streets.

        "Marius!" Enjolras called out. "Come help us."

        Marius turned around and smiled happily at his friends. "Hello Enjolras! Hello Grantaire! What are you doing?"

        "I'm trying to make Grantaire put his bottle down so that he can help me make sure we have all the guns we need!" Enjolras said, yanking the beer out of Grantaire's hand.

        "Hey!" Grantaire protested. "I can collect guns and drink at the same time!" Enjolras tossed the bottle aside. "Fine," Grantaire grumbled, picking up a couple guns. "Why do you look so happy, Marius?"

        "I just met the most amazing girl!" Marius gushed. "She is beautiful, like an angel. Her name is Cosette. Ponine brought me to her house and we spent the entire night talking. Oh, how lovely she is!"

        "No one cares about your lonely soul, Marius, get to work," Enjolras said, grabbing a gun. "By the way, how is Eponine?"

        "Who?" Marius said. "Oh, right, Eponine. She's doing fine, I suppose. Why do you ask?"

        "Just wondering," Enjolras muttered. "C'mon, help me bring these guns inside."

        Marius did so, but never once did he take his mind off of Cosette.

        (Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. School has been crazy with midterm exams and whatnot. Also, sorry this chapter is so short. I'm super excited that I now have over 1000 reads!! Thanks so much to everyone reading this! Byyee!)

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