Chapter 12: The Master of the House

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        Marius walked home slowly after the rally.   He wished he had an excuse to visit Eponine.  She had just left a few hours ago, but he already missed the sound of her laughter. He found himself strolling towards the poor neighborhood where the Thenardiers lived. Maybe he could take her to the abaisses cafe and give her a reading lesson.  Yes, that's what he would do. He loved teaching her, watching her twirl her hair as she struggled to read a new word,  listening to get triumphant laugh when she succeeded in reading a particularly difficult word, looking into her sparkling brown eyes...

        Of course, it was the teaching he enjoyed,  not watching Eponine.  After all, he had a very brotherly nature towards her.  It was natural that he enjoyed seeing her learn. Marius wondered why his heart had suddenly started racing and why his palms were so sweaty.  He wiped his hands on his pants.

        When Marius finally reached Eponine's house, he remembered that Thenardier did not like Eponine to associate with students. In lieu of this,  Marius quietly crept behind the house and tapped on the window of Eponine and Azelma's bedroom.  No one answered.  Maybe Eponine was not home. He knocked on the window one more time, just to be sure.  Suddenly, he heard the front door slam and the sound of footsteps coming steadily towards him.

        It's Thenardier,  he thought, and frantically scanned his surroundings for an adequate hiding place.  As the footsteps loomed closer, Marius ducked behind a green, leafy bush and held his breath.  Thenardier rounded the corner, his eyes blood-shot, a bottle of liquor in his hand.  Marius hoped his pounding heart would not give him away. For a moment, it seemed as if Thenardier did not notice Marius. He narrowed how eyes, frowned, then turned away. Marius let out a sigh of relief.

        "Get out from behind my bush, you pathetic boy. "

        Marius' heart dropped.  He stood up shakily. His throat was suddenly very dry.  Slowly, Thenardier turned to face him.

        "What do you think you're doing here?" he said menacingly.

        Marius swallowed.  Something about this man intimidated him in a way no one else ever had. His eyes were the exact same shade of brown as Eponine's, but they held none of the joy and kindness that Eponine's did.  Instead, there was a look of pure evil in Thenardier's eyes. Marius shivered, then realized Thenardier had asked him a question.

        "I am sorry, sir," he began, bowing his head humbly. "I just wanted to, uh, invite Eponine to the, um, cafe to teach-- I mean, talk," Marius rambled. Why did Thenardier have such an unnerving effect on him?

        "Come here," Thenardier growled. Marius forced his legs to obey. He did not want to anger Thenardier. If he did, he would risk getting Eponine into trouble. After all, Thenardier had a history of taking his anger out on his daughter. Step by step, inch by inch, he walked until he finally stood in front of Thenardier, trying not to tremble.

        "You have disgraced me," Thenardier hissed. "You took what was mine and you did not even pay me for it."

        Marius was confused. "I don't understand your meaning, sir."

        Thenardier grabbed Marius by the collar of his shirt. "You know exactly what I mean, boy. Don't try to play dumb. But guess what? I am a forgiving man. If you pay me what I'm owed, that is to say, pay me two times what you paid my daughter for her services, then I will leave you alone. Deal?"

        "I- I'm sorry, I still don't understand. I didn't pay Eponine anything, sir, I--"

        "I told you not to play dumb!" Thenardier barked. "Give me the money now."

        Marius did not know what to do. He could not comprehend why Thenardier was so adamant about the fact the Marius owed him money. Furthermore, Marius had no more than a couple sous on him at the moment. Even if he wanted to, he couldn't give Thenardier the money he demanded.

        "Sir," Marius said politely, "I am sorry, but I have no money give you. And quite honestly, I have no idea what you are rambling about."

        Thenardier's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You have tried my patience," he snarled. "Fine. If you can't pay in money, then you'll pay in pain." Thenardier rasied his fist and punched Marius in the eye.

        "Ouch!" Marius yelled, stumbling backward, clutching the left half of his face.

        "Get out of here," Thenardier shouted. "Get off my property before I kill you."

        For a wild moment, Marius wanted to fight Thenardier with every ounce of strength he had. To take his greasy hair and tear it out. To punch him and kick him until he was black and blue. To punish him for all the awful things he had done to Eponine. Then Marius came back to his senses. Thenardier was bigger and stronger than he was. Marius could never survive in a fight wtih him. Besides, if Marius fought back, Thenardier might get angry and punish Eponine for it later. Swallowing his pride, Marius scampered away.

        When he got home, he slammed his head in the wall, cursing himself for being so stupid as to go to the Thenardier house. He did not know what had possessed him. Now that Marius had shown his face at the Thenardier household, the master of the house was sure to punish Eponine for having student friends. Marius was sure he had just condemned his friend to a terrible fate. There was only one solution, one way to ensure that Eponine would never again be punished for associating with school boys. Marius would have to stay away from her. Only then could he truly protect her from her father's wrath.

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