Chapter 21: The Lark

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        Eponine watched the scene unfold from behind the iron gate. She turned away, unable to witness it any longer. I love you. Those were the three words she had longed to hear Marius say for four long years, but now he was saying them to someone else. Every word that he said was a dagger piercing through her heart.

        Suddenly, she saw three tall figures looming in the distance. They looked familiar. As they came closer, Eponine gasped.

        "Father," she muttered, her throat dry.

        "Here is the house," Thenardier whispered to Montparnasse and Babet. The sight of Montparnasse made Eponine's blood boil. "We can get some real money out of this guy."

        Eponine swallowed. She knew that Marius would not be please if Thenardier robbed Cosette's house. Worse, Marius might think she was in on it too. Eponine stood in front of the gate, her arms spread wide as if to shield the house from her father.

        "Who is this hussy?" Thenardier growled. Eponine tried not to tremble in fear.

        "It's Ep'nine," Montparnasse said, walking forward and putting his hand on her cheek, "Hello, darlin', I haven't seen your pretty face in a while."

        "Don't touch me!" Eponine spat, slapping his hand away.

        "Now, now," Montparnasse said with an evil laugh. "Is that any way to treat the man who tried to save your sister as she drowned?"

        "Is that what you told my father you did?" Eponine said. "I seem to remember it a little differently."

        "That's not all he told me," Thenardier said. "He told me you pushed her in the river, you little murderer!" He slapped Eponine across the face. She could taste blood in her mouth.

        "You know, you really ought to check up on Montparnasse's credibility," Eponine said dryly. "Everything he says is a lie."

        "Get out of the way," Thenardier hissed.

        "You are not robbing this house," Eponine said in an authoritative tone. "The only people that live here are an old man and a girl. They live ordinary lives."

        "Get out of the way!"

        "No!" Eponine said more forcefully, holding her ground.

        Thenardier's eyes flashed angrily. "Never say 'no' to me!" he yelled, and his arm shot out to hit her.

        This time, though, Eponine was ready. She dodged his blow and lunged forward, her fingernails raking down his right cheek. When she pulled her hand away, there was blood on his face.

        Thenardier clamped his hand to his cheek. "How dare you!" he howled. "Montparnasse, Babet, get her!"

        "With pleasure," said Montparnasse, grabbing her arm. Babet held fast to the other. Eponine let out a maniacal laugh. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," she warned. They paid her no heed. Eponine smiled at them sweetly, threw her head back, and let out a piercing scream.

        The three men froze, looking at each other in fear. All three knew that, because of Eponine's scream, someone could alert the police and land them in jail.

        "Not so tough now that the entire neighborhood knows you're here, are you?" Eponine said, glaring at her father.

        Thenardier gave her an icy stare. "I swear to you, girl," he growled. "I will make you pay for what you have done. I am ashamed to call you my daughter."

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