Chapter 34: Too Late

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        She loves me. Why did this thought make Marius feel so giddy with joy? He knew there was only one explanation for why his heart was soaring and he wanted to sing. I love her, too. He had to find her. He needed to tell her that he returned her feelings. He thought back to all the memories he had ever shared with Eponine. He remembered the way his heart had fluttered the first time he saw her wearing one of Adalene's dresses. He recalled how much he had enjoyed teaching her how to read and write. He remembered all the blissful times they had spent laughing together, spending time together, talking together. He had always felt so at home when he was with her. How could he have been so blind as to never notice the fact that he was desperately in love with her?

        Then he saw her. She was hiding behind a broken piano, talking to Gavroche. Marius realized that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Even in her baggy boy's clothes, she was gorgeous. Marius grinned and nervously started to walk in her direction. Then, he stopped in his tracks as he heard what she was saying to Gavroche.

        "'s too late," she was saying. "I was so blinded by my love for a boy who will never love me back that I never saw what an amazing chance I had with Enjolras."

        Marius felt his heart drop like a stone. It's too late. He had finally realized that he loved her, but time had run out. Eponine had given up on him.

        It was at this moment that Marius remembered Cosette. The love that he once so firmly pledged to her now seemed silly compared to the love he knew he felt for Eponine, but how could he betray Cosette for Eponine? Marius may have realized his true feelings, but he was still an honorable person. He could not betray Cosette, not when he had given her his word that he would find her and love her forever. Then again, it was hardly fair to Cosette to pretend he still loved her when his heart belonged to someone else. What was he to do?

        Right now, though, he had bigger problems. In the distance, he could see the National Guard returning for another battle. Marius picked up his gun and held his head high. He had a revolution to win.

        "Back to your positions!" he yelled. Les Amis grabbed their arms and aimed them at the soldiers. 

        "Fire!" Marius yelled.

        Members of the National Guard dropped dead like flies, but more and more kept coming. Les Amis were clearly outnumbered.

        "I'm out of bullets!" Combeferre yelled.

        "Me too!" screamed Legles.

        "We're almost out of ammunition!" Courfeyrac told Marius anxiously. "If we don't get more bullets soon, we're all going to die!"

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