Chapter 3: The Wrath of Thenardier

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        Eponine took a deep breath. Normally, she would be terrified at the sound of her father's voice, but when Marius touched her arm, an invisible force seemed to come rushing through her, giving her strength. With this newfound courage, she walked towards her father with her head held high.

        "Yes, Father?" she asked when she reached him.

        Thenardier began to speak, then stopped with a frown. "What's that you got there?" he asked her.

        "This? Oh, it's just a book," she replied with a shrug. Eponine wished she had had the chance to hide the book from her father. He didn't approve of women learning to read.

        "Where'd you get it?" he demanded.

        "Um... I nicked it off a couple kids," she lied, her throat dry.

        "Nicked it, eh? Why would you want a kid's book? You can't read," inquired Thenardier.

        "Uh, I just... I like the pictures," Eponine stuttered.

        "You like the pictures," Thenardier repeated in an incredulous voice. "You're kidding."

        Eponine shrugged, not knowing how to respond. Her heart seemed to be beating out of her chest.

        "Give me the book."

        "No, Father, please--"

        "No? How dare you say no to me, you little rat. Give it to me now!"

        Eponine swallowed. Her hands shook. Slowly, she held up the book and gave it to her father, cursing herself as she did it.

        "I might be able to sell this for a sou or two," Thenardier muttered to himself, briefly flipping through the pages. Eponine's heart sank at these words. "Who is Adalene?" he asked, squinting at a name written on the front cover of the book. Eponine shrugged. "I don't know," she said honestly.

        Thenardier looked up at Eponine, an icy glare in his eyes. "Next time, girl, I suggest you steal something worth my while or I swear I'll make you regret it. And never, EVER, say 'no' to me again."

        "Yes Papa," Eponine said quietly, staring down at her feet.

        "Montparnasse, Babet! Get over here!" Thenardier yelled, calling out to some of the members of his gang. He turned back to Eponine. "Lucky for you, girl, you're gonna have a chance to redeem yourself once those two bloody fools decide to show up."

        Eponine shuddered, wondering what kind of "redemption" her father had in mind. She looked up to see Montparnasse and Babet trotting towards them.

        "Look what I got," Montparnasse said greedily, holding up a glittering golden brooch.

        "Nicked it off an old lady, we did," Babet said, grinning evilly. Eponine wrinkled her nose. She hated it when they stole from elderly women.

        Thenardier took the brooch from Montparnasse and examined it. He smiled. "We can get good money off this, boys!"

        Montparnasse and Babet looked as pleased as dogs receiving compliments from their master. Then, Montparnasse turned to Eponine. "That's a right smart dress you got on, Ep'nine," he said, giving her what he thought was a charming wink. Eponine was repulsed.

        "It's the same one I wear every day," she said flatly.

        Thenardier tossed the brooch back to Montparnasse. "While you two were busy stealing something worthwhile, Eponine here decided to steal a children's book," he said, throwing his daugher a look of disgust. Montparnasse and Babet laughed, shoving Eponine and throwing insults at her.

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