Chapter 35: A Couple of Thenardiers

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        "Did you hear that?" Gavroche asked, hurrying over to Eponine with a worried look in his eyes. "If we don't get more bullets, we're all going to die!"

        Eponine tried not to let the fear show on her face. "Don't worry," she told her brother, giving him a confident, reassuring smile. "Marius will figure something out." 

        "Wait, I have an idea," Gavroche said. "There are bodies in the streets. Lots of 'em. They probably have bullets with them. I'm small and quick. I can sneak out there, grab the ammunition, and come back before anyone sees me."

        "No, Gavroche, it's too dangerous!" Eponine protested. "I won't permit you to go out there and risk getting shot!"

        "I'm not asking for your permission," Gavroche said sharply. "I'm going whether you like it or not." He turned away from her and began to climb the barricade.

        "Wait!" Eponine said, grabbing his arm. She could not let her brother go out alone. Suddenly, an idea struck her. "I'll go with you. I'll provide a distraction so that they'll shoot at me while you're getting the ammunition. I'm fast, too, so I can avoid their bullets."

        Gavroche frowned. "Are you sure?" he asked. "You don't have to do this if you don't want to."

        "Of course I want to! You're my brother!" Eponine exclaimed earnestly, giving him a warm smile. "Whatever you do, I do with you. And besides, what better pair is there to steal ammunition from dead bodies than a couple of Thenardiers?"

        Gavroche grinned and gave her a quick hug. "All right, then. Let's do this."

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