Chapter 13: Eponine's Savior

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        It took Eponine a few moments to realize she was screaming. Wailing, at the top of her lungs. It was a wonder that the human body was capable of making such a sound. Eponine's eyes scanned the torrents of the raging river, praying that Azelma's head would resurface. "Azelma!" she called desperately. There was no sign of her sister.

        The bump on Eponine's head was throbbing, but Eponine was unaware of the pain. She scrambled to the edge of the bridge and prepared to jump in and somehow rescue Azelma. Suddenly she felt an arm grab her shoulder and spin her around gruffly. Montparnasse glared at her, his eyes red and wild.

        "Look what you made me do!" he howled. "Your father will have my head for sure! I'll kill you! This is all your fault... Yes... It's all your fault! I'll tell Thenardier you did this!" Montparnasse smiled, apparently proud of this stroke of genius. He grabbed her throat. "You killed her," he said, smiling like a maniac. "You murderer!"

        Eponine gasped for air. The back of her head screamed in pain. She clawed futilely at his fleshy fingers. The bump on her head was making her vision foggy. Stay awake,  she told herself. She swung her leg and her foot made contact with Montparnasse's knee. He grunted in pain and dropped her. Eponine scrambled to her feet quickly and punched Montparnasse in the gut. The blow seemed to annoy him more than it hurt him. He growled and wrapped his fingers around her throat again. I'm going to die, she realized. Strangely, the thought did not faze her. At least she would see Azelma again.

        Suddenly, in the distance, she heard the sound of a little boy's voice yelling, "Oi! Let her go! Enjolras, help her!"

        Eponine was dimly aware of the brawny figure of a young man launching himself at Montparnasse, clouting him in the ear. Montparnasse yelped in pain and released Eponine. She was barely cognizant of the sound of Montparnasse's grunts as the young man hit him. The young man must have been very strong, for in a few short moments, Montparnasse scrambled away, limping. Eponine felt a pair of strong hands help her up. She squinted up at her savior. A familiar pair of fiery grey eyes hidden under a mop of blond hair looked down at her with concern. "Enjolras?" she muttered.

        "I'm here," Enjolras said. "Don't worry, I'll get you to safety."

        "She's hurt real bad," said the little boy whose voice she had heard earlier.

        "Gavroche," Eponine whispered, and closed her eyes, her mind descending into a swirling pit of darkness.


        Eponine's head pounded. Her body ached all over. She wrapped the bed sheets around her. The bed was soft and fluffy. She felt as if she were sleeping on a cloud. She wished she could stay in bed forever. She opened her eyes, her vision blurry.

        Where am I? she wondered. The ceiling was tall and white, and the walls were painted in a dull peach color. The room was neat and tidy. On the desk underneath the window lay a tall stack of papers on which what looked like battle plans were written in small, neat handwriting. Eponine sat up. Her head screamed in pain. She touched the aching spot and realized her hair was matted with blood.

        "Lie down," a tiny voice said.

        "Gavroche?" Eponine muttered. "What is this place?"

        "Enjolras' apartment," Gavroche replied.

        Pain shot through her head again. "What happened to me?"

        "I don't know. I spotted you on the bridge fighting that man, Montparnasse. I told Enjolras and he saved you." The little boy seemed very pleased with himself.

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