Chapter 24: The Nightmare Becomes a Reality

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        Marius practically dragged Eponine out of the cafe. He had an odd feeling bubbling in his chest, making his vision blur and his hands shake. He was struggling to think clearly. How DARE Enjolras put his filthy hands on Eponine! Marius recalled a revolution meeting during which Enjolras had said, "I will never love a woman more than I love Patria." Before, Marius had laughed at this and teased Enjolras for this comment. Now, remembering these words made Marius' blood boil. He had never realized how much of a dirty conniving liar Enjolras was. Marble Man-- Hah! Marius now realized it was all just a facade. Enjolras had probably been planning to take advantage of Eponine for weeks, laughing behind Marius' back as he did it.

        Marius rounded on Eponine. "What on earth was that?" he practically screamed.

        "I-- he kissed me," Eponine said simply. Her cheeks were glowing red.

        "But you were kissing him back!" Marius cried.

        Eponine blinked. She suddenly smiled. "Why do you care so much, Monsieur Marius? Are you jealous?"

        Marius stumbled backward. The question had thrown him off. Why did he care? He tried to tell himself that it was a brotherly protectiveness of her, but Eponine really wasn't his sister. And this anger felt like much more than just a protective nature. It almost felt like... no. It couldn't be jealousy. After all, Marius loved Cosette, didn't he?

        "You don't deserve someone like Enjolras," he said decidedly.

        "Excuse me?" Eponine snapped defensively. "You think just because I'm poor I don't deserve a rich bourgeois?"

        "No! That came out wrong, I'm sorry," Marius said quickly. "I meant, you're too good for him. All he cares about is his revolution You would always be second on his list of priorities. He is so cold and detached! You don't deserve someone like that. He doesn't deserve you."

        "Then what do I deserve?" Eponine asked. The look in her eyes seemed almost hopeful. "Whom do I deserve?"

        Marius paused. "Someone better than Enjolras," was all he said.

        Eponine looked frustrated. "I am not your sister, you know," she said flatly. "You don't need to protect me if that's what this is about."

        Marius shook his head. "No, that's not what it's about," he said. "It was wrong of me to think of you as a replacement for Adalene, and I truly apologize for that, but you can't be with Enjolras!"

        Eponine crossed her arms. She had a haughty look in her eyes, the same look she always got when someone tried to tell her what to do. However, for some strange reason, she also looked rather pleased. "Am I your friend, Marius?" she asked.

        "Of course, Ponine!"

        "Is Enjolras your friend?"

        "I thought he was."

        "Then why are you so upset about this? Why do you care if two of your friends kiss?" She looked at him wistfully, as if she were hoping for him to give her a specific answer.

        Marius threw his hands up into the air, frustrated. To be honest, he didn't know why he cared so much, and that was beginning to exasperate him. "I don't know," he cried. "God, Ponine, why are you so stubborn and hard-headed about this? Why can't you be more like Cosette and just listen to what I have to say?"

        Eponine looked like she'd been slapped in the face. "Cosette?" she said. "You want me to be like her?"

        Marius shrugged. Of course he liked Eponine the way she was, but sometimes she could be so stubborn about things.

        "How dare you compare me to that filthy brat!" Eponine cried. "She is nothing but a prissy little rich girl. She only wants you for your money."

        Marius clenched his fists. He felt anger rising inside of him. "Don't you dare insult her! Cosette is a better woman than you'll ever be!" He could tell that the comment had hurt Eponine, but he didn't care. He was not going to let anyone, not even Eponine, talk that way about his beloved.

        Eponine looked up at him, pain filling her big brown eyes. "Cosette is a selfish, prissy, good-for-nothing, empty-headed--"

        "SHUT UP!" Marius felt white-hot anger burning inside him. The anger filled him up, blinding him. NO ONE had the right to say those things about Cosette! The anger seethed through him. He couldn't think, he couldn't breathe. His hands shook with fury. He had to let this anger out...

        The next thing he knew, Eponine was lying sprawled on the ground in front of him. Marius' hand was raised in a fist.

        "Marius?" Eponine whispered in disbelief.

        Marius' heart dropped when he realized what he had done. "Ponine, I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to... I'm sorry..."

        Eponine stood up and brushed the dirt off her skirt. She did not meet his eyes. Marius could not read the expression on her face.

        "If you will excuse me Monsieur, I have to go," she said shakily, and with that, she turned and darted off.

        "Eponine, wait!" Marius cried. "Please!" It was no use. She was gone.

        Marius kicked the wall in frustration. He had actually hit her. How could he have done such a thing? All her life, Eponine had been used and abused by men. How was Marius any better than her father or Montparnasse? He closed his eyes, remembering that night so long ago when she'd had that nightmare about him beating her. What had he said to her that night? Ponine, I will never hurt you, you hear me? Never! Now the nightmare had become a reality, and Marius' word had proven to be about as good as dirt.

        Marius put his face in his hands. He could not keep the image of Eponine's lips locked against Enjolras' out of his mind.

        He couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be in Enjolras' place, to have his lips pressed against Eponine's...

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