Chapter 36: His World Will Go On Turning

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        Marius aimed his gun a soldier. Click. He cursed under his breath. "I'm out of bullets," he said. "Does anyone have any more ammunition?"

        "Prouvaire, Bahorel, Joly, and Grantaire still have some, and we found some on Enjolras' body. Other than that, we are out," Courfeyrac informed him. "If we don't get more soon, we are doomed."

        Marius pursed his lips. He was utterly failing at being a leader.

        "Someone just climbed to the other side of the barricade!" Combeferre exclaimed.

        Marius' head jerked up. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. He rushed to the top of the barricade and stared down at the other side. He saw a skinny figure wearing a trench coat and a brown cap, dodging and dancing around flying bullets.

        "Oh my God," he whispered. "Eponine!"

        "Marius, who is it?" Combeferre inquired, climbing up next to him.

        "It's Eponine!" he croaked, the blood draining from his face.

        "Eponine?" Combeferre asked in disbelief. "Thenardier's daughter? But what is she doing out there?"

        "I'll tell you what she's doing," Courfeyrac said, his face pale as a sheet. "She's distracting the National Guard. Look!"

        Marius looked where Courfeyrac was pointing. He gasped. Little Gavroche was sneaking around, picking ammunition off of the dead bodies of soldiers. "What are they thinking?" he asked. "They're going to get themselves killed!"

        "Careful, 'Vroche," Courfeyrac muttered nervously.

        "Hey, ugly soldiers! Look at me!" Eponine yelled. "Try to shoot me!"

        Her plan worked, whether fortunately or unfortunately Marius did not know. None of the soldiers noticed Gavroche. Instead, they aimed their guns at Eponine and began to fire.

        "Ponine!" Marius screamed. Miraculously, Eponine was able to dodge all of the bullets, but Marius could not watch another second of this torture. He began to climb over the barricade.

        "Marius, no!" Combeferre yelled, pulling him back. "We can't afford to lose you."

        Marius struggled, but Combeferre's grip on him was too strong. "Ponine!" he cried out again helplessly. This time, she heard him. She turned her head, and for a brief moment, their eyes met. The look in her eyes seemed to say, "I'm sorry, but I have to do this."

        "No, you don't," Marius whispered. "Please don't do this to me." Then, the loud crack of a gun brought them both back to reality. Eponine ducked, just in time. A bullet missed her head by half a centimeter.

        Eponine turned to face the soldiers. Marius could not see her face, but he could tell she was determined and angry.

        "Is that the best you can do?" she taunted. "Come on, try again!"

        More bullets rained down on her, and once again, she danced out of the way.

        "Eponine, I'm done," Gavroche called. "Let's get out of here!"

        Eponine backed away quickly, still dodging bullets. She put a protective hand on Gavroche's shoulder, and the two of them rushed up the barricade. Marius leaned forward and reached out his hand to help them up. Suddenly, Gavroche's foot slipped, and he tumbled to the ground.

        "'Vroche!" Eponine screamed. Without any hesitation, she turned back around and rushed to Gavroche's side.

        "Careful, Ponine!" Marius yelled. He tried to climb over the barricade to help her, but Combeferre continued to hold him back. Marius watched helplessly as Eponine struggled to boost her brother over the broken pieces of furniture. Marius reached out his hand and grabbed Gavroche. Together, he and Courfeyrac helped pull the boy back to safety.

        "Eponine, hurry!" Marius called out, reaching out his hand. Eponine began to climb. Suddenly, she cried out. "I'm stuck!" she yelled. Marius saw that her coat had caught on a piece of broken furniture. She tugged at it, but she could not get it loose. "Just take the coat off!" Marius called out anxiously. Eponine fumbled with the buttons of the coat, but her hands were shaking.

        "Combeferre, let me go!" Marius demanded. In response, Combeferre held on to him tighter.

        Marius watched helplessly as Eponine, in desperation, turned around and began pulling at the hem of her coat again. Then, a loud explosion filled the air, and Marius' world stopped turning.

        When Eponine turned back around, her front was completely soaked in blood.

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