Chapter 18: An Angel from Heaven

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Marius felt as if the golden sun had just risen, flooding his dull world with warmth and light. Who was that girl? Was she even real? Surely no girl on this planet could be as breathtakingly beautiful as this girl.

"Cosette," Marius whispered. That was the name the old man, presumably her father, had called her. Even the sound of her name was beautiful. Marius smiled. He had just been struck to the bone in a moment of breathless delight.

"Marius? Marius! Earth to Marius!"

"Hmmm?" he muttered, still dazed.

"Marius!" Eponine said, practically shouting. "Hello? I'm still here, you know."

Marius blinked, coming out of his stupor. He looked over at Eponine. He had almost forgotten about her prescence. Hadn't the two of them been arguing before Cosette came into the picture? What had they been arguing about? Marius could not remember. All he could think of was Cosette.

"Ponine, did you see that girl?"

"That bourgeois-two-a-penny-thing?" Eponine snorted. "She looked like an obnoxious brat."

Marius frowned. "No, no she didn't. She looked so... kind and wonderful. Like an angel from heaven! I can hardly believe she was real. She was the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes upon. I- I think I'm in love with her."

Eponine shook her head violently. "No, Marius," she said, her voice pained. "You can't! You only just met her. You cannot be in love with her."

Marius took her hand. "Eponine," he said, "When I saw this girl-- Cosette-- I felt something wonderful. It was as if my entire world had changed for the better. My heart was on fire! I cannot explain it, but I know there is something between Cosette and me. I just know it. Ponine, this is something you cannot understand, not until you have felt it. Just trust me. I know I love her."

Eponine pulled her hand away. Her big brown eyes looked hurt. "You do not know what I have and have not felt, Marius," she said flatly.

Marius sighed. He closed his eyes, imagining Cosette's beautiful face. "I have to see her again," he resolved.

"What?" Eponine demanded.

"I must see her!" Marius cried. "Ponine, you know the streets of Paris better than anyone else. You can find where she lives for me."

"No," Eponine said. "No, Marius, I cannot."

"You can. I know you can!"

Eponine shook her head. "Don't make me do this," she pleaded.

Marius put his hand on her arm. "Please, Ponine," he begged. "This means so much to me."

Eponine faltered, then looked down. "Okay," she whispered. "I'll do it. For you."

Marius smiled. "Thank you! Thank you so much, Ponine!" He kissed her forehead ecstatically. "You have no idea how happy this makes me!"

And with that, he left her standing alone in the middle of the street, her hand touching her forehead where he had kissed her.

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