Chapter 2: A Gift for Eponine

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Four years later...

        Marius looked up and smiled at the sight of his best friend hurrying eagerly down the street. He tucked her present in the pocket of his coat, deciding to take revenge on her for teasing him all the time before giving her the present.

        "Hey, Ponine," he called out.

        "Did you get it?" Eponine asked. She twirled her messy brown hair in her fingers, the way she always did when she was anxious.

        "Get what?" Marius asked, trying to sound confused.

        "The book!" Eponine cried.

        "What book?"

        "Marius!" Eponine protested, swatting him a little on the head. "Don't tease me, you'll regret it."

        "All right, all right," Marius laughed. "Here you go."

        Eponine took the children's story book from him, holding it in her hands reverently as if it were a precious treasure.

        "Thank you!" she cried happily.

        Marius smiled at her enthusiasm. For the longest time, Eponine had begged and badgered him into teaching her how to read. When he finally relented to her pleas, he had been surprised at how quickly she learned. Watching her eagerly devour book after book, he had been even more surprised when he realized how much she reminded him of Adalene...

        "Take care of that book," Marius told her. "It was... a favorite childhood treasure."

        "Aww, you're letting me borrow your favorite childhood book? How sweet!" Eponine said in a teasing voice. "You must like me a whole lot, Monsieur."

        Marius rolled his eyes. Eponine was like a little sister: annoying, yet lovable. "Just take care of that book," he laughed.

        "I'll try my best," Eponine said, twirling the book in her hands and pretending to drop it.

        "Ponine!" Marius cried, laughing as he tried to grab the book from her. Eponine held it just out of his reach, switching hands when he came too close. The two of them laughed until a gruff voice called out, "Eponine! Get over here!"

        Marius saw Eponine's body tense, the confident smile falling from her face.

        "Is that your father?" he asked softly. She nodded.

        "I should probably go," Marius said. "I know he hates it when you associate with students like me." He gave Eponine's arm an affectionate squeeze and ran off.

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