Chapter 20: I Love You

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               Marius could not keep the smile off his face. Thanks to Ponine, he was about to speak to the girl of his dreams. His palms were sweaty and his heart pounded nervously.

        "Ponine?" he said, his throat dry. "Do I look all right?"

        "Like a charm," his friend replied softly.

        They hurried along the dark winding paths. Marius looked up at the nighttime sky. The stars twinkled brightly, but Marius was not impressed. No star could burn as brightly as Cosette.

        "Are we almost there?" Marius inquired.


        Marius' heart pounded even harder in anticipation. Finally, after what seemed like years, they stopped in front of a tall iron gate.

        "Here," said Eponine.

        Marius peeked through the gate. His heart leapt. Cosette. There she was, sitting on a stone bench in a beautiful garden just beyond the gate. She wore a white flowing nightgown that made her look like a real angel. Her long golden curls fell down her back. Her eyes twinkled like emeralds. She was staring down at a thick book on her lap, humming to herself. A little strand of hair kept falling into her eyes, causing her to huff in frustration and tuck it behind her ear. Marius found it endearing.

        "Wait here," he whispered to Eponine as he climbed the iron gate. He hoisted himself over the top and dropped to the ground. Cosette jumped, startled. Marius bowed. "Mademoiselle," he said, taking her hand in his and kissing it. "Enchante."

        Cosette stood up. "Monsieur," she said in a sweet voice, "What are you doing here?"

        Marius was surprised to find himself blushing. Suddenly, all of the words he had carefully and meticulously planned to say to her escaped his mind.

        "I, um, I came to apologize," he stuttered. "You know, for running into you yesterday and making you spill your basket of apples."

        Cosette smiled. Her teeth were dazzlingly white. "It's quite all right, Monsiuer, but you needn't go to such trouble as to track me down and climb a gate simply to apologize."

        "I didn't come simply to apologize," Marius said.

        "Oh?" said Cosette.

        Marius cleared his throat. "I came to ask you-- or rather, to tell you-- that when I saw you yesterday I fell in... I mean... You are the most beautiful girl I have ever set eyes upon. I have not been able to stop thinking of you ever since I saw you. Mademoiselle, please, I beg of you," Marius said, kneeling before her, "Tell me you share these feelings. Tell me you felt the way I felt when we first met. Tell me you noticed that there was something special between the two of us. Tell me, please! I shall die if you say any different."

        Cosette placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Please stand," she told him. Marius obeyed. She placed her soft, delicate hands in his. "I have felt the same way," she whispered. "I have."

        Marius smiled joyfully. He had never felt so happy in his entire life.

        "And, by the way, please call me Cosette," she added. "Mademoiselle sounds so formal."

        "Cosette," Marius said in a hushed, reverant voice. She smiled as he said her name. "And I am Marius," he said. "Marius Pontmercy."

        "Marius," Cosette repeated. His name sounded so wonderful coming from her lips.

        "I love you," he declared. "I know it is foolish-- We hardly know each other!-- but somehow, I am sure of it. I felt something in my heart when I first saw you, something I have never felt before. Cosette, never in my life have I loved a girl as much as I love you. My heart is full of love, and it is all for you."

        Cosette smiled up at him and drew closer. "And my heart is full of love for you," she said softly. "Perhaps we are foolish, but I do not care. I love you, Marius Pontmercy, with every fiber of my being, with every inch of my soul."

        Marius looked lovingly down at Cosette. Her eyes seemed to pull him into her like a magnet. He drew even closer to her, and his lips brushed against hers.

        Marius jumped back, startled at what he had done. "I am sorry," he said quickly. "That was completely inappropriate. I should not have done that without your permission. Forgive me. I am making such a mess of things. Cosette, I did not mean to--"

        Cosette laughed. Her laugh was beautiful. It sounded like the tinkling of bells. Slowly, she came even closer to him and raised her lips to meet his. Marius melted into the kiss. Her lips were soft and sweet. She tasted of flowing honey. Marius' senses awoke. He could feel the tickle of her hair against his cheek. She smelled wonderful, like honeysuckle. Marius was conscious of every heartbeat. The couple stood together like this for a long moment, their lips lingering on each other. Marius wished they could remain like this forever. Finally, though, they broke apart. Cosette smile up at him. Her eyes twinkled.

        "I love you," he told her again.

        "I love you, too."

        Suddenly, Marius' heart sank as he remembered something. "What is it?" Cosette asked.

        "The revolution," Marius muttered.

        "What revolution?"

        "Cosette, my beloved," Marius said. "Do you ever wish the poor would stop getting poorer while the rich keep getting richer?"

        Cosette nodded.

        "Well, cherie, I am part of a revolutionary movement that is working to make that change," Marius explained. "In just a few short days, our barricades will arise and we will make our first step towards a new future,  a better France. My dearest, I could die in this fight. I could die and never see you again."

        "What?" Cosette gasped. "Then do not fight! Stay with me!"

        "I cannot," Marius said. "I have already made a commitment to this cause. And besides, it is a wonderful cause."

        "I do not deny that it is a great cause, but what about our love? Is that not also an equally as wonderful cause?"

        "It is!" Marius said. "Truly, it is harder to die now that I know you love me as well, but I cannot back out of the revolution now."

        Cosette looked down. "All right," she complied. "Just... take care of yourself as well as you can. Promise me you will do your best to stay safe."

        "I will," Marius told her. Then he leaned over and kissed her once again.

        (Author's Note: Thank you so much to ChaoticSentiments for dedicating Chapter Seven of The Siren of the Opera to me! What an honor! The Siren is an amazing book that all Phantom of the Opera fans will love, so definitely check it out if you have the chance. I was going to dedicate this chapter to ChaoticSentiments, but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to dedicate chapters, so if anyone can help me with that, I'd be most appreciative. Many thanks to all my devoted readers. I'm so happy to have people reading my works. I'm excited for upcoming chapters, I have some great ideas planned!)

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